Hi, well im not exactly the expert when it comes to sleeping, as my daughter Emily is almost two and literally started sleeping through five days ago.
I have looked a your routine, which does look good, and he feeds well. One sugestion I have is instead of cereal in the evening, try someting a little more filling like poriage, and you could also experiment with is bed time. Also I noticed you said he has veg and fruit at luch time, and cereal for evening, but is he getting any carbs, like mashed potato. These will release energy slowly making him feel fuller for longer, which is why i suggested the poriage in the evening, he may feel more content to sleep longer. We all know that feeling after a big roast dinner! :roll:
Also consider as pp said, he may have learnt to sit or be trying to, and for some reason they get this erge to try it all at bed time, Emily got worse at night when she learnt to sit and to pull herself up.
Trial and error is the key :? - its just taken me almost two years to figure it -I just ditched the bottle and she know longer wakes for it.