Author Topic: Dream Feed HELP!!!!!!!  (Read 1600 times)

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Offline AngelFarrell

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Dream Feed HELP!!!!!!!
« on: November 28, 2005, 13:40:38 pm »
:(  Have just done my second night with a dreamfeed at 10:45pm. First night was fine, i got him up for the feed, he fed then went straight back to sleep. Woke again just after 3am. Fed, straight back to sleep. Woke at 6am. (how can i stretch his wake up time to 7am?) But tonight did dream feed at 10:45, fed well, never really woke, so straight bavk to bed.But he woke again at 1:45am, fed hungrily and took some time to settle. Am having major difficulty with EASY (see my other posts) and am currently feeling like Ive been run over by a train. Need HELP!!!!!!!
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Offline Susie-Q

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Re: Dream Feed HELP!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 16:12:18 pm »
[quote="AngelFarrell am currently feeling like Ive been run over by a train. /quote]

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Had to laugh because that's such a perfect way to put it!!

Offline Mom2katiebug

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Dream Feed HELP!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2005, 17:24:57 pm »
How old is your LO?  My 5.5 WO DD is having similar sleep issues.  We cluster feed in the evening and she'll go to bed between 8 and 9pm.  She'll get up around 1am for a feeding (I guess a dream feed?) where we change her, feed her, then re-swaddle and back off to bed very easily. 

Next she's up around 4am and we change, feed, re-swaddled and back to bed, but she can't seem to get into a sound sleep.  She's fittish until her next feeding which we give her between 6am and 7am. 

Is it an age thing?  My LO has never slept well during this time.  For a while, we thought it was gas but not anymore.  Hopefully someone has some ideas!
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Offline AngelFarrell

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Dream Feeding HELP!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2005, 22:29:38 pm »
My little boy will be 10 weeks tommorrow. Not your average Babe, born at 8.8 lbs, last week (at 9 weeks) was 14 lbs and exclusively breast fed.
Also a fast feeder, 5-10 mins and he's done. Being big and healthly he
shouldnt need to feed so often. But am having probs with the 3 hour EASY routine as he wont go longer than 2.5 hours without a feed. Tried getting him to drink more at feedings to hopefully stretch him out, but would refuse & start screaming. Also battling with his day naps - that 45min monster!! If you read Tracy's book, the dream feed is when you get your baby up between 10 & 11pm and feed. Usually they hardly even wake & go straight back to sleep when finished the feed. Theoretically, they should then sleep 5-6 hours without waking. But I found it actually stuffed up Sam's sleep. He usually goes down between 7:30 & 8pm. Would then often sleep for 5-6 hours (we once got 7!), so i thought by doing the dream feed he wouldnt wake again till 4 or 5am. Nope, was awake & hungry at 1:40am. But it is only my second night of trying the dream feed, so will give it a week and hopefully will sort itself out. Im determined not to give upon EASY, but after a week of trying I am getting really frustated.
To try and help you, I would suggest an earlier bedtime for your lo. All the sleep books I've read emphasize this. Sam use to go down between 8-9pm also, but we have moved it back to 7:30pm by beginning his wind-down routine earlier. If you havent read Tracy Hogg's book THE BABY WHISPERER SOLVES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, I suggest you do so. If you have, review the sleep chapters. I am so sure it will work, just wont happen overnight (though I wish it would!!!) Hope this helps
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