My little boy will be 10 weeks tommorrow. Not your average Babe, born at 8.8 lbs, last week (at 9 weeks) was 14 lbs and exclusively breast fed.
Also a fast feeder, 5-10 mins and he's done. Being big and healthly he
shouldnt need to feed so often. But am having probs with the 3 hour EASY routine as he wont go longer than 2.5 hours without a feed. Tried getting him to drink more at feedings to hopefully stretch him out, but would refuse & start screaming. Also battling with his day naps - that 45min monster!! If you read Tracy's book, the dream feed is when you get your baby up between 10 & 11pm and feed. Usually they hardly even wake & go straight back to sleep when finished the feed. Theoretically, they should then sleep 5-6 hours without waking. But I found it actually stuffed up Sam's sleep. He usually goes down between 7:30 & 8pm. Would then often sleep for 5-6 hours (we once got 7!), so i thought by doing the dream feed he wouldnt wake again till 4 or 5am. Nope, was awake & hungry at 1:40am. But it is only my second night of trying the dream feed, so will give it a week and hopefully will sort itself out. Im determined not to give upon EASY, but after a week of trying I am getting really frustated.
To try and help you, I would suggest an earlier bedtime for your lo. All the sleep books I've read emphasize this. Sam use to go down between 8-9pm also, but we have moved it back to 7:30pm by beginning his wind-down routine earlier. If you havent read Tracy Hogg's book THE BABY WHISPERER SOLVES ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, I suggest you do so. If you have, review the sleep chapters. I am so sure it will work, just wont happen overnight (though I wish it would!!!) Hope this helps