Author Topic: Help - my 5wk old spends all night grumbling!  (Read 1121 times)

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Help - my 5wk old spends all night grumbling!
« on: November 28, 2005, 16:14:32 pm »
I have a fairly placid baby girl who settles herself off to sleep regularly during the day and has just begun fitting into the 3-hr EASY routine. Since being born she has had a habit of making moaning and grunting sounds and going all stiff as if she's straining but bowel movements seem normal. She also seems to have a slight bunged up nose but health visitors are not concerned.

Ellie used to wake up at least twice a night and I would often struggle to get her to go back to sleep. When she began EASY she woke every three hours for a feed like clockwork and slept from 11/12pm till 4/5am three nights in a row. I thought we'd cracked it (altho the grumbling still continued).

Unfortunately, for the last two nights/days Ellie has been really unsettled - grumbling constantly during feeds (she is breast fed) and not spending more than 15mins sucking before becoming frustrated. Once she has latched off and seems not to want any more, I have been offering her expressed milk in a bottle and she guzzles it down.

In order for her to get a good night's sleep the past two nights I have topped up the feeds with expressed milk however she has been restless and grumbly all night and I have barely slept a wink! Sorry for the rambling message but please help! :?

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Help - my 5wk old spends all night grumbling!
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2005, 01:57:48 am »
Unfortunately what you have described sounds very normal for a 5week old. They are noisy sleepers & can take up to 3 months to settle down with their sleep. She may also be going through a 6week growth spurt & be frustrated with the flow of your milk... I think you will just need to keep watching her signs make sure she isn't overtired & feed as needed. As long as you are consistent, things will get better. The first 6 weeks are very hard, then the next 6 pretty hard & then it starts getting a little less hard with each month after that... but it actually sounds like you are going well with the sleep she is giving you.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05