A few weeks ago I read someone post about how the furnace going on in the morning was waking their LO up early. Well, I had had a 'crib partier' for over 2 months now, beginning at 4:30-5am and lasting sometimes till 6am of later! EXHAUSTING.
About 5 days ago I did an experiment - I left the heat on till about 3am then shut it off completely so it wouldn't try to start that early morning preheating of the house (and so the house isn't absolutely freezing at 6 or 7am). Guess what? For the first time in 2 months (and I am talking every day here), Ian didn't have the party. He slept from 7pm till 6:30am w/o so much as a peep. And every day since. Coincidence, I don't think so. I discovered that the vents that bring the air upstairs are in the walls of his room and you really can hear the whirling of the heat coming on pretty loud during that recovery time.
THANK YOU THANK YOU to whoever brought that up! I'll try anything to get my sleep back!