Author Topic: Say it isn't so!  (Read 1466 times)

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Offline springhillmom

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Say it isn't so!
« on: December 13, 2005, 00:32:27 am »
My 19 month old just moved to her toddler bed last week and has had no problems with her 1 1/2 hour nap and 13 hours straight through the night. She seems to like itbut I don't know if the following has something to do with that move.

Today and yesterday she did not nap...which is VERY unusual. Wasn't cranky, wasn't obviously tired, just chatted to herself for 45 min in her bed until I gave up and came to get her (normally goes to sleep within 15 min at WORST) and then had a perfectly pleasant afternoon. Didn't seem to miss the nap at all, 2 days in a row!!  :shock:

PLEASE tell me 19 months is too young to start skipping that nap!? Or am I just in denial? What have your experiences been with the end of naps altogether?


CM, 5.17.04


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Say it isn't so!
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2005, 00:37:05 am »
For us it started at that age, but Nathan VERY quickly got overtired without the nap, and I reinstated it after about 2wks (he was falling asleep in the car within 2mins of being in there etc).  Then just recently at 2.5 he started dropping it every 2-3days over the past month or two until he refused it for a week, but once again ovetired, so I've reinstated it once again in the last 2 days.  It's almost like he is dropping it, but knows he's too tired without, so I let him get away with not having it for a wee while and then firm down the routine again and we get back on track.

Sorry, that's not much help to you, but just observe her and if you notice it is impacting on her behaviour, night sleep etc, definitely re work on getting the nap back.


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Say it isn't so!
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2005, 01:25:01 am »
14 1/2 hours of sleep a day does seem like a little on the high side of normal for a 19 month old. It may be that she getting most of the sleep she needs at night with 13 hours and doesn't need the day sleep. It also sounds like she has no problems staying awake for 11 hours straight!!

So if you want to keep the nap you might need to shorten the night sleep by waking her up 1/2 hour to an hour earlier. Then she might have a short nap in the afternoon.  But she sounds perfectly happy the way things are going so you might need to play it by ear. SHe might need a nap on some days and not on others - probably driving you crazy as you can't  plan your day!

I for one feel it's sad that they need less sleep as they get older... I hope my son keeps having a nap until he's 3, as well as sleeping a lot at night!

Offline Stacie:Emma&Josh Mom

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Say it isn't so!
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 01:32:21 am »
I'd say her skipping naps could also very well be contributed to by the new bed.  Dd skipped a few naps in the beginning of her new bed too, but I just left her in her room until she'd get upset i.e. longer than even the 45 mins you mentioned if she was just talking to herself.  She's atleast getting some down time.  My dd also can "fake" being okay without her nap if things mostly go her way.  But after a few days, she'd definitely crumble.  At that age, dd was sleeping 12 hours at night with a 2 to 2 1/2 hr nap.  She's just a sleeper and needs it.  I'd stick with it for awhile and just keep your fingers crossed that she falls back into her usual pattern.  Good luck!

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Offline springhillmom

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Say it isn't so!
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 17:09:49 pm »
Thanks all....

Will play it by ear...I also considered that she might be sleeping extra long at night...maybe I will start keeping her up an extra 45 min to an hour before bed and see how that goes.

Thanks again!
CM, 5.17.04

Offline Carmela's Mom

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Say it isn't so!
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2005, 17:40:31 pm »
I am having a similar problem with my daughter, except that she only sleeps 11 hours at night.  But she's 19 month as well and started this thing where she'll be tired at and I'll put her in and then she gets a second wind and is playing and talking for her whole nap.  Me going in a few times telling her its night time usually gets her to sleep though.  I am not brave enough to give up after 45 minutes.  My daughter NEEDS her nap still.  11 hours is just not enough for the day.