Author Topic: 3hour or 4 hour easy at 4 1/2 months??  (Read 1309 times)

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3hour or 4 hour easy at 4 1/2 months??
« on: December 20, 2005, 08:39:31 am »
Hi i have posted on naps about jakobs nap problems but was wondering fi someone can tell me what i should do the 3 or 4 hour east when his naps are so off? he is currently fed on the 4 hours but with naps being only one hour this leaves 2 hours between getting up and when the next bottle is due.Should i  revert to the 3 hour easy? Would this help him back to napping better? (he was having 2x 2hr naps but now only 1hour each nap.


Offline Noelle

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3hour or 4 hour easy at 4 1/2 months??
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2005, 14:48:35 pm »
Hi  :D
I haven't read your post about the naps but I wouldn't go back to the 3 hour EASY unless he is hungry.  If you need to tweak EASY and feed before the nap that is ok as long as the bottle isn't putting him to sleep.  You can also tweak and go 3.5, 3.75 hours inbetween.  It doesn't have to be exactly 4 hours.  :D

Just wondering, does he wake up happy from his naps?  It may be development issues (learning to roll, etc.)  If he's waking happy I would go with with flow and tweak EASY as necessary :D
**Noelle**  Formerly JohnandZoesMom

Offline HeatherC

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3hour or 4 hour easy at 4 1/2 months??
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 02:11:46 am »
As the previous poster said, it doesn't have to be exactly EASY, and it doesn't have to be exactly 4 hours.  If he isn't hungry before then, keep feeding every 4 hrs.  My dd was a 30 minute napper until she was 6 months old, so we had EASAE.  I have had routines of 2.5 hrs, 2.75 hrs, 3 hrs, etc.  EASY is a guideline to get you on the right path.  I feel that it is a method to help your lo establish comfort in a routine so that he/she knows what to expect.  Also, it is a tool to help your lo with independent sleep rather than relying on a feed and other accidental parenting pitfalls to fall asleep.
He is probably going through a developmental phase that is affecting his naps, and he will more than likely return to taking 2 longer naps in the following months.  However, as mentioned, he may not need much day sleep if he seems to wake happy and be content through A time.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007