Author Topic: Feeding Advice  (Read 1103 times)

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Offline elizabethmccoy2002

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Feeding Advice
« on: January 11, 2006, 21:49:03 pm »
Hello, I have a 4 week old and am trying to implement Tracy's method. I am having trouble getting my baby to eat a full meal at each feeding. She will eat 2 oz or 1.5 oz, but not finish her 3 oz bottle (I notice too that she sometimes gets fussy while feeding too). She then has a hard time settling down (usually at night) and ends up being wide awake and then wanting the rest of the bottle around an hour later (when I want to put her down for her evening sleep). I have tried to use Tracy's suggestion of supplementing with the pacifier to see if she truly is hungry, but sometimes it seems as if she really does want the rest of the bottle (rejects the pacifer after several tries) and this throws off the whole routine of eating/sleeping. If anyone can offer any advice I would appreciate it. I really want to get her started with good habits! Thanks.

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Feeding Advice
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 22:09:40 pm »
My daughter did this when she first came home from hospital.  remember that their tummys are still very small and they like to eat little and often.
My daughter like to have a rest halfway through her bottle and then come back for more. 
It will get better, they will take more as they grow.
You say that she is wide awake an hour later when you want to put her down - could it be that she is over tired and needs the bottle to go off?

Can you post a typical day for us?
Harry: 29 July 2003
Lydia: 28 June 2005
Sam:  28 June 2005
David: 28 June 2005 - 12 August 2005
Daniel: 19 July 2007
That's all folks!
(Well, maybe another girl if I can convince DH!)

Offline elizabethmccoy2002

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Feeding Advice
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 23:41:03 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I just started keeping the journal of schedule. Here is her schedule from yesterday:
9:10 am up
9:10-9:50 eat (2oz)
9:50-10:15 relaxing in swing
10:15-11:15 nap
11:15 eat 1 oz, then pacifier
11:30 bath
11:40 eat (1.5 oz)
11:50-2:15 pm nap (in and out of sleep for first 45 minutes)
2:15-2:45 eat (3oz)
2:45-3:55 fussing
3:55 1 oz eat
4:20-5:45 nap
5:45 eat 2oz
6:22-7:50 nap
7:50 eat 3 oz
9:00 down to sleep
11:00 up
11-midnight eat 3 oz, awake
12:15 tried to put down with pacy, no luck 1 oz more to eat
12:40 down to sleep
3:20 up, eat 3.5 oz, then fussing until 4:50
4:50-7:30 sleeping

Yes, she is very alert at times during the middle of the night, don't know if she is needing bottle again once she gets overtired. I try to put her down once she hits dreamland and work with the pacifier. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks.