Author Topic: Losing Battle?  (Read 920 times)

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Offline becmate

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Losing Battle?
« on: January 05, 2006, 16:44:59 pm »
I have een following the BW advice for the last 3 days and feel that I'm fightibg a losing battle. Each time i try and put my 10 week old baby down for a nap it feels like a battle of wills. I'm not sure wherewe are going wrong but as soon as his head hits the moses basket he is wide awake and becomes hysterical within a couple of minutes no matter how much shsushing or patting we do. He also suffers terrible wind which wakes him up alot. Please help..I'm going stir crazy from lack of sleep!

Offline Bobby brown

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Losing Battle?
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2006, 19:03:26 pm »

I too had a son who hated his moses basket and suffered with terrible colic and wind.

What did it for me was when he was 6 weeks old I had to spend a couple of nights in hospital with him and during his stay the only thing available for him was a cot.
He took to it straight away as he could see out through the bars, which ment he could see what was going on.

As soon as I bought him home I got rid of the moses basket and he started sleeping in his cot.

At first I kept checking on him all the time but he was so much happier at going for his naps and going to bed at night where as before it was a battle to get him to sleep.

At first you may have to introduce it slowly, like putting him in it during his activity time and talking and playing with him while he is in it, then hopefully he will get used and your sleep times wont be a battle.

I really hope it works for you.