Hi, can anyone help me my eldest is now 5 and I can't remember when the different transitions in weening happened.
My ds (24 weeks) has been Pureed fruit and veg for a couple of weeks now and his enjoying it, I am sure with my first we changed from puree to mashed at around 26 weeks, however this was before the new guideline of weeing at 6 months and she was weened at 4 months.
Should I start to introduce mashed food yet or is he too young?? It was so easy with my first and now I'm so confused. When I've talked to my HV about it she seems reluctent to offer advice as he is not six months yet but he's showing all the signs and is a big baby. He was 9lb 6oz born and now weighs 23lb 6oz.
Can anyone help??
Many thanks sarah