Author Topic: My baby got welts this morning!!  (Read 1331 times)

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Offline emwith2

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My baby got welts this morning!!
« on: January 08, 2006, 02:13:17 am »

My little baby boy almost 5 months, woke this morning at 7 for a feed.  I breast feed him and soon after (less than 2 minutes)  broke out in welts all over 1 cheek, on his arms, shoulders and legs.  I took him to casualty at the hospital, by the time I had arrived there, 90% of the welts had disappered (about 1/2 hour since they appeared).  I had no idea what they were from.  The nurse there said they more than likely from an allergic reaction from something I had eaten or drunk.  Now the only thing that I have put it down to is a glass of Soy Milk that I had last night and a couple of Low Carb chocolate bars which have soy product in them.   I usually have a glass of low fat daily milk at night before bed, but I thought I would try some caramel flavoured soy milk. (not a good idea).

I was wanting to ask do they grow out of this allergic reaction by the time they are 2 or 3 years of age.

Emilia (New South Wales, Australia)

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My baby got welts this morning!!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 17:50:32 pm »
Hi Emilia,
Gosh, it sure sounds like the soy, doesn't it...  My kiddo had a soy intolerance, and his GI doctor told us that 90% of babies outgrow a milk or soy allergy by 1 yr, and 95% by 2 yrs (not sure if that is correct though...).  So there is hope!   :wink:

Is he a calm baby, or is he a bit grumpy?  Since there is soy in many foods out there, sometimes even a small amount of soy can cause upset tummy without the rash...  If he is grumpy, then maybe a trial elimination of all soy might help? 

Le me know how it goes!

Offline Kayna

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My baby got welts this morning!!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 00:50:13 am »
I've gotten hives several times in my life and they've always been a reaction to a product (ie: new lotion, soap, etc.). I also believe they can come from foods but just wanted to see if you had used any new products in the last 24hours?

One time I tried a new Bath and Body Works product and the next day I started getting hives that would come and go. It was so strange but it sounds some what familiar to what you are describing. Just a thought. :wink:
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Offline emwith2

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My baby got welts this morning!!
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 03:24:04 am »

My DS is a really happy baby, he  has rarely been grumpy, and has slept very well from the start, so thankfully the soy products that have come through in my breastmilk haven't affected him too greatly other than those horrible welts that come out on his skin, luckily they went away very quickly.  I haven't used any new  washing products or soaps so I know it can't be them.  I remember drinking about  1/2 litre of soy milk and eating 2 slices of soy and linseed bread and 2 low carb choc bars, which have soy in them.  I think that I overdosed on soy on Saturday, but I haven't had any since then.
Hopefully my milk will be back to normal today. 

Let you know how it goes.

Emilia (New South Wales, Australia)

Mum to Ayden   15/11/02 Spirited/ Slightly Grumpy
            Joshua  12/8/05 Mostly Angel Baby