Fiona, that's a good point. I decided to start with breakfast since DS is happiest in the mornings, he tends to get grumpy by late afternoon. Maybe an early lunch would be a good idea to start with instead, though did you do it at the same time as a milk feed?
An average day (without solids) for DS is:
6am - 6:30am wake up and have feed about 15mins later
8:30am - nap (only for 45mins usually, grr!)
10:30 - 11am - feed
12pm - 1pmish - nap, sometimes 1.5 hours, sometimes 2 x 45mins if you see what I mean!
2:30pm - 3pmish - feed
late afternoon nap at any point from 4pm onwards, sometimes a long one, sometimes 45 mins
6:30pm - bath, then feed, story and bed
So maybe some solids with the 11am feed would work, but he might be having a nap around a dinner time feed.
This morning I gave hm the solids right after his milk feed, which he seemed happy with.
I guess there is no reason why I have to fit in with the nurserry schedule if he's not ready.