hi i'm trying to get baby into a routine, difficult at mo as she won't sleep until late.
We start to bath, feed and put her in her cot 7pm and she currently won't settle to sleep until 11.30pm (if we are lucky - and even then with help of dummy)
She woke at 9am, so i thougt great start a routine now (esp as normally she wakes up 11am which gets my whole day messed up and no chance of routine) So i fed, changed, played with her and by 10am she showed signs of tiredness so I've now put her in her cot to sleep 10.15am.
my question is how do i get a daily routine esp if i start to wake her earlier (i refuse to wake her at 7am though if she is sleeping so late!) and she sleeps within an hour as she is obviously tired. How much wake up time "Should" she have in between sleeps? As i breast feed on demand at mo, she feeds every 4hours
sorry long post, am new to this and find the book BW a bit confusing!