Author Topic: Food sensitivity or teething?  (Read 1176 times)

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Offline Liam and Shane's Mommy

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Food sensitivity or teething?
« on: March 22, 2006, 20:21:01 pm »
I had posted this question under health post but didn't receive any replies so thought I'd try here.  My ds seems very stuffed up these days although he doesn't have a cold.  Especially when sleeping I can hear him snoring on the monitor and he has difficulty nursing in the mornings sometimes due to stuffiness.  He's overdue for teeth so at first I thought it was due to teething but its been going on for a couple of weeks and still no teeth.  I don't remember this happening with my older son when he was teething.

If its not common during teething then I wonder about food sensitivity.  I'm still trying to introduce new things for eg. chicken last week and formula this week.  I've been really stalled with the food introduction and have had to go backwards sometimes as he would seem to develop reflux to things like peas and apples.  Its been nothing really obvious like a rash so I'm still really not sure if he has any sensitivities.

I just wondered if other babies got really nasally congested while teething and then I'd have a sense whether it could be teething or food related.

Liam 2001/12/22


Offline ryan's mum

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Re: Food sensitivity or teething?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 21:15:10 pm »
Ryan gets very congested when he's teething , he didn't get his first 2 teeth untill he was 10.5 months. it is hard to work out wether it's teething or allergy as you have tried foods and formula at the same time. does he have any other symptoms . drooling more , chewing anything and everything , bad nappies , grabbing at ears   these are very common in teething.
   Ryan wouldn't be congested any more than a week , the sleepless night were 3 nights at most when he was teething.
[img width= height=][/img]Ryan James 9 Nov 2003

[img width= height=][/img]

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