Author Topic: Very Tired!!!!  (Read 933 times)

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Offline 2Tired

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Very Tired!!!!
« on: February 13, 2006, 14:51:58 pm »
 Hello! I have a 5.5 month old baby boy named Gavin. I would classify Gavin as a Textbook/Touchy baby. Gavin has always been an amazing sleeper. He would sleep from 8-5:30 which was very manageable for me. Well about 2 weeks ago Gavin got a very bad cold and was coughing to the point of vomiting several times a night, so I would pick him up and comfort him by nursing him (bad idea!) Anyway, now Gavin wakes several times throughout the night. Last night went as follows:

8:00 Bed
9:00 wakeup (patted back to sleep easily)
12:30 wakeup breastfeed
3:00 wakeup breastfeed
5:45 wakeup (tried to pat back to sleep for half an hour ,but he became very upset so I picked him up and took him to bed with me where he laid awake until about 7:00 and slept until 7:45 with me.

The other nights for the past two weeks have been all different times. I am so exhausted and to top it off I have Gavin's cold. HELP!!!

Offline lisaadebree

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Re: Very Tired!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 20:43:37 pm »
Oh, my dear!
I gave my baby my cold a couple of weeks ago and I still haven't shaken it, tho he has, and I totally share your tiredness!!!! It's hideous, isn't it?

Our pediatrician recommended raising the head of Ben's crib, using a vaporizer, and only when necessary using saline nasal drops and an aspirator (I did once and it made him spit up all over both of us, so I don't recommend!). He was a trooper and shook it and then we had to go get more immunizations and a flu shot which caused a low grade fever. Breastfeeding helped him with the cold, I think.

The combination (cold and shots) really threw him off his routine and so now I'm struggling with getting him back on track while I'M a walking zombie. I find myself popping out of bed and *poof* in front of his crib ready to scoop him up before I even realize I'm awake! FUN!!!

I guess I don't have much advice, per se, just in the same boat. Hanging in there and being consistent is the best I can do. Unfortunately, just as soon as we get it together, I have to take him in for an RSV/synagis shot (because he's a preemie). Then we start again...
