PLease can someone advise how and when to slot in naps for a five month old. At present her schedule goes like this.
7.00am get up - bottle
7.30am - solids - cereal/fruit
9.00am - nap - anywhere between 45mins - 1 hr
10.00am - activity
11.00am - bottle
11.30am - nap - 1hr
12.30 - solids - veg/fruit
3.00pm - bottle
3.20pm - nap - 1 1/2 - 2 hours
5.00pm - bath
5.30pm - solids
7.00pm - bottle
7.15 pm - bed - sleeps till 6.15am/6.30am
I wanted to know how many naps should she have and how can i fit them around her bottles and solids?
Please help..............