Author Topic: it is the easy or is he gonna moan forever?  (Read 1336 times)

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Offline Liz R

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it is the easy or is he gonna moan forever?
« on: February 14, 2006, 15:48:21 pm »
Jake's day looks like this;
6.30to 7am, awake,bottle milk 6oz(I offer 7 but he never wants it)
8am b'fast
nap 9.30 usually till 11.00
11.30, lunch meat n veg or similar, plus baby yoghurt
12pm Bottle milk6oz
1.30 nap for an hourish
4.30 tea including 6oz bottle
(sometimes a cat nap here)
6.30 Bedtime routine bath etc
bed by 7pm
This was working great, until the last week, when he has changed temprement completly. He is moaning all the time, doesn't seem as happy,refuses to play alone in cot, is grumpy with peolpe he usually likes. He is crying over the slightest frustration,and nothing seems to please him(oh he still likes the cat!)
He has been able to drift off to sleep for all naps without any help for ages, but now he's crying and needs repeated comfort.
He already has his 2 bottom teeth, and obviuosly I am aware it could be more teething, but he seems the same with or without pain relief. Is it his routine or is it separtion anxiety? Although he will moan if I am there or not!
It's horrible,'cos I feel like someone has stolen my Jakey!
Liz x

Chloe 18/07/1994 Angel
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Jacob 09/07/2005 Spirited

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: it is the easy or is he gonna moan forever?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2006, 19:37:48 pm »
hi Liz

I don't think it is your routine which looks great to me, although if he is whinging at naptime and has previously been ok you might consider trying to play around with his A time and see if it needs changing. i know it is confusing but at different times (just to keep me on my toes) Liv (my almost1 yo) has had her A time either shortened or lenghtened and it is only through trial and error that i figure it out. she needed it shortened when she started crawling and pulling up (8-9 mo) as i guess it was tiring her out sooner so she needed her naps a half hour earlier than previously doing (we were also on 9:30 and 1:30 at 7-8 mo)

overall though it sounds like 2 possibilities - sep anxiety most likely playing a part and possibly developmental change is on the way - i see him sitting in your avatar, but is he trying to crawl? if so, this might be what is causing a lot of the change (frustration at wanting to be mobile, tired and cranky from the extra effort and/or tingling limbs from the different exercise) If the sitting is new than that can be the culprit. a lot of physical developmental change takes place between 6-9 mo and can wreak havoc for some babies. just watch him closely to see if he is tired earlier or not tired enough when you try the naps...and give him lots of reassurance and cuddles in the day (you can practice peek a boo and leaving the room and returning telling him "i'll be right back" and coming right back. all of this helps w/ sep anx.)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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Offline Liz R

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Re: it is the easy or is he gonna moan forever?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2006, 21:45:18 pm »
thanks for you you answer. He does sit, you're right, and he does an expert comando crawl,and he can get in the "ful" crawl position, although can't move! He can also pull up to kneeling. I had a good look in his mouth at bedtime and he looks like he's breaking his top inscisor. The old saying spring to mind form the B/W herself.... "just when you think you've got it, it all changes!"
Liz x

Chloe 18/07/1994 Angel
Ellie   18/11/1997 Spirited
Jacob 09/07/2005 Spirited