my 1 year old has 1-2 poops per day, usually one seems really runny to the point i have to change her onsie, this dosen't happen all the time though, so i am a bit confused, if its diareha it would happen frequently right? and if its an allergy or intolerance there would be other signs? she is teething, so i thought maybe that was the redness, no rashes, no rashes on her face etc....and she sleeps really well. I see teh ped on tuesday but was curious what others think. I also wonder if too much water/juice could make it runny? i have read that too much apple juice can give them the runs. This even after a morning with hardly any milk, she is not crazy about milk..oh and the poos really stink!! her morning one didn't stink but her afternoon one stank up her room. thanks for any advice.