1) On the EASY routine, Tracy suggests 1 -3 months they have 3 naps of 1.5 hours and 5 - 6 hours at night. That makes 9.5 - 10.5 hours sleep in a 24 hour period, but she recommends 15 - 18. How does that work?
Well, the 5-6 hrs at night means a stretch of sleep before baby wakes for a feed (on average), then you would hope for another 5-6 hrs of sleep. Our ped told us not to dd go longer than 4-5 hrs without a feed the first 4 weeks, so every ped is different. This meant I had to wake her. Most babies will wake on their own when they are hungry, but you should ask your lo's ped for guidelines.
2) Tracy suggests 0 - 1 month they have an hours nap in every 3 hours, which means you're feeding on that cycle as well, so if you have 3 hours broken down in to 30 minutes feeding, 60 minutes sleeping then that means you have 90 minutes of activity which seems odd at newborn age...??
I tried to find this, but I'm not sure where in the book you found that, but in the very early weeks (0-6), baby won't be able to do much A time past eating (which you count in the total A time), diaper change, and cuddles with mom and dad. I personally recommend not letting baby nap longer than 2-2.5 hrs each cycle so that they become accustomed to the day/night difference and feeding cycles. Also, if baby sleeps too much in the day, he won't need/want to sleep at night. However, this almost always happens from what I've seen from others and myself, and there's not always much you can do about it until baby outgrows it.
3) I am going to formula feed and she says newborns can often go for 4 hours between feeds, so how much sleep would I then aim for?
Just remember that in the early weeks baby might not be able to take in too much with each feeding b/c their tummies are so small, and, therefore, will need to feed more often. Also, every baby is different and may or may not be able to go every 4 hrs before feeding. I would check with the EAT forums, bottle feeding in particular if that's what you'll be doing, for some specific guidance on this. Still, you would probably aim for 2 hrs of nap time.