Author Topic: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?  (Read 1536 times)

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Offline NicoleW

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strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« on: February 22, 2006, 22:00:01 pm »
I've had meg on one nap consistently for over a month. Everyone told me it would gradually get longer and would take about 3 wks. WELL, here we are and it is still only 1 hr long(1hr 15min on a good day)!! she wakes up tired and cranky most of the time. only on 3 occasions has she slept 90 minutes or longer in the last month......
what do i do? when she was a baby, i did pu/pd to extend her naps, but that wont work anymore. I'm not even sure where to start and the new book doesn't say anything for older babies.....

please help! i know she needs more sleep. a month ago she was getting 16-17hrs a day! and now we're down to 13. Tracey's book says 15-18hrs/day until 18mo's.  i won't accept "she just doesn't need more sleep". i know she does.


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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 22:11:26 pm »
Hmmm, I remember being really gutted when I switched Nathan to one nap for good at 16mths - I went from having 2 x 1.5hr naps to 1 x 1.5hr nap and everyone telling me they extend out.  Well it didn't really happen for us until he was closer to 2.  If he woke really grumpy I'd do what I could to extend it, even if it meant I asked him to lie down to I could rub his back/hair etc and often he would, other times I'd offer to lie down next to him.  To me the main thing I was worried about was having a well rested child, so I chose this way and it paid off.  It wasn't like he needed me to help him fall asleep initially or at bedtime.  As he got older and managed to stretch out when his nap happened (he was an early napper because of early wake up in the morning), then the nap naturally extended on it's own.  Sorry I don't really have any solid advice for you though.

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2006, 23:19:09 pm »
Just found in Tracy's last book, some tips for the transition of 2 naps to 1 ...

By making the morning nap progressively later, you can eventually make it disappear!  The timetable below, assumes that your child is at least 12 months old and normally naps at 09.30.  The times may vary in your case, but the principles of gradual transition remain the same:

Days 1 to 3 - Put her down 15/30 mins later for her morning nap - 09.45/10.00.

Days 4 to 6 - If possible, put her down 30 mins later, so that she goes down at 10.30.  Give her a snack at around 09.00/09.30, she should sleep for 2/2.5 hours and have lunch around 13.00.

Days 7 to however long it takes - Every 3 days, make the nap later and alter, she might have a morning snack at around 10.00 or 10.30, go down at 11.30, and wake for her lunch at around 2.  You might have a few rough afternoons.

The goal - Eventually she'll be able to stay up until noon, have her lunch, play for a while and then take one long afternoon nap.  She may have days when she can't make it without a short morning nap, go with the flow, but never let her sleep for more than an hour in such a case.

I know that you've managed to cut out the morning nap, but maybe these tips will be helpful in extending the afternoon nap.

Hope this helps, please keep us posted with your progress xx
Rach xx

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2006, 19:18:39 pm »
What is her schedule like?   It might just need some tweaking.  What was her schedule before she went down to one nap?

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2006, 19:29:00 pm »
Be sure to make bedtime earlier until the one nap does lengthen.  An overtired child never naps well.   :)

Offline NicoleW

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2006, 02:22:34 am »
Okay Ami, i just put her to bed at 6:20pm.....and I'm HOPING she is not awake in 12 hrs~
you see the last 7 mo's Megan has slept 14hrs (6:30pm to 8:30am) at night and now we're down to 12 and last night wasn't even 12. we went from 2 good naps to one crappy one! today was only 30minutes~ i dont' know what to do????

To answer the questions about her shedule.
right now she wakes at
11:30-12 lunch
12-12:30 nap....(usually 1hr)  :P >:(
up until bed at 7pm

PLEASE any advice on tweaking is much appreciated!

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2006, 20:49:48 pm »
she"s probably a bit overtired when she goes to bed at night. She's up for at least 5 1/2 hours before bed and most lo's usually can only last 4-5 hours at he most between nap and bedtime .  see how the earlier bedtime works.  The alternative is to move the nap a bit later.  if she is up at 7 you could try pushing her nap back closer to 1 to see if that will get you a longer nap.

Offline NicoleW

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2006, 22:43:49 pm »
Hi Imsmum,
thanks so much for your tips. so, she was asleep by 6:30 last night and slept until 7:30am this morning:) Few!
i kept her up until 1pm ...alseep by 1:15pm and it is now 2:45pm and she is stilll asleep! which is great............BUT i'm not getting my hopes up b/c this may just be one of those rare times she has a good nap. but i will keep trying this and hope you dont' mind me posting back for more help if i need it. thanks!

Offline NicoleW

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Re: strategies for extending nap at 17mo's?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2006, 23:04:03 pm »
well, it seems nothing works! today she was up at 7:20. i put her down for her nap at 1 and she PLAYED until 1:30. i had to lay  her down 5 or 6 times. and she only slept an hour and 10 minutes~ argh~~....
so i guess it's back to bed at 6:30pm again tonight...and then i PRAY she doesn't wake until atleast 7am....
i'm etting So frustrated!
we're going on our 2nd month and her naps arent' getting any longer:(....
frustrated and fet up, still need help