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Offline Rachel's Mum

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Holiday abroad
« on: February 28, 2006, 16:23:21 pm »
I don't know if this is the right forum, but I couldn't see anywhere else appropriate.  Please move it if necessary.

I have been offered, through work, the opportunity to go to Portugal for two weeks with a load of university students on an archaeology field trip.  Basically the whole activity part is run by the group over there, but they need somebody from the staff to be present as a back-up, you know to get them to the airport, hold copies of the passports, help out if anything goes wrong.

Initially I said no way, because I wasn't going to leave my daughter (who will be just over a year) and my husband at home for two weeks.  But my boss has just suggested that we all go over as a family and have a rather pleasant holiday for hardly any money.

So - my question is - has anybody taken a very english (red hair and fair skin) year-old baby to anywhere as hot as Portugal in early July for two weeks?  Am I insane to be considering this?  Does anybody have any suggestions / comments / ideas?  I'm really out of my depth here, because I've hardly ever been abroad myself, let alone with a young baby.

Thanks in advance :)

Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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Re: Holiday abroad
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2006, 19:35:03 pm »
Rachel go and enjoy  :) I took my 6 month old to Italy for 2 weeks in June last year. While she is half Italian she was pretty pale, blue eyed and light brown hair ( well she still is but ykwim). Just use lots of sun cream for when you are out and about and try to avoid being out between 11.30 and 3.30pm. I would get your dd used to wearing a sunhat or baseball hat now while you are out and about with her in her buggy that way it wont be an issue when you get there, I always try to get dd to wear a bandana and sometimes some ridicilous cheap sunglasses when we are out and plan on getting a small hat this weekend just to make sure she is used to it. Also try to have long sleeved tops and long pants made of very light cotton. I would also put a light vest on under the top, sounds crazy I know but if your baby sweats while out in the buggy it should absorb it a bit and bare in mind that if you are going in and out a lot of places may have airconditioning so the sudden change in temp may be disturbing. Also lots of water, room temperature and not cold.
Hmm cant think of anything else.......that might be enough. Go and enjoy

Offline evanskimberley

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Re: Holiday abroad
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2006, 22:17:39 pm »
I'm a big sun worshippor and last summer, the 1st with DD around was an education for me!! She is very fair, not at all like e who doesn't need suncream cos of having olive skin ( iknow i should still use it but thats another issue). I was detirmined not to be stuck indoors all summer, escpecially cos i wasn't working. So here's how we coped.

Find a good suncream - one thats a good factor and thats a lotion not a cream. It needs to be runny enough for you to spread it easliy when they're wriggling! the creams are just too thick

Get a good sun hat

Get a sun protection suit - the ones that look like wet suits. Everywhere sells them know, Boots have a great all in one that you can also buy a matching UV protectin hat and shoes to match. They are made of swimming costume material but i let Holly live in last year, doesn't matter what she looks like as long as she's safe from burning. You really don't need to worry about them with this on. Bump to 3 also do a cotton fabric one too.

Have a look at the product called shade a baby, its a factor 50 buggy shade.

The factor 50 tents are great too - depends how much time you'll be on the beach!!

Go for it you'll have sooooo much fun the two of you!!!

Offline maggieruth

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Re: Holiday abroad
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2006, 13:38:30 pm »
oh, i think it will be fun!  everyone has had lots of good ideas about skin protection in the sun!  we took my ds to a Canadian cottage last summer which was warm and a bit of a worry as he was too little for sunscreen (not recommended before 6 months!) but by keeping him in the shade and inside for naptimes he coped really well!
it could be a blast if you prepare and pack the right stuff! x
(hey maybe we could meet up there! my ILs have a home in portugal and we are considering going this summer, money allowing!)

Offline Colin Macs Mom

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Re: Holiday abroad
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2006, 00:16:41 am »
Find a good suncream - one thats a good factor and thats a lotion not a cream. It needs to be runny enough for you to spread it easliy when they're wriggling! the creams are just too thick

Just want to add that if she's sensitive to detergents or anything like that you also might want to go for a paba-free sunscreen to avoid any irritation.
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
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