I just need a little advice. My dd is 6 mos and I really think that she is weaning herself onto only 3 bf's/day. She honestly has only had 6 max since she was a newborn, by 3 months she was only eating 4x's/day, at 4.5 mos we started some solids as she seemed hungry, but WOULD NOT take more breastmilk, so now at 6 mos., she wants to eat at 7am, 11:30/12 and then she's been refusing the mid afternoon feed, will take solids at 5 and then one last bf before bed. Does this seem okay? Part of me says yes because she had already weaned to 4 bf's/day at 3 mos., it just seems young. In all honesty, I can't force her to take it if she won't anyway, but I just feel a little weird about it. Has anyone else had this experience? My son took 5 bottles/day for a very long time and was still doing 4 bottles at 11 mos., guess I shouldn't compare, but it's hard not too! TIA!