I don't have any experience with reflux, so hopefully another mom will jump on with some BTDT experience for you
What you're describing definitely sounds like hunger (again, with no reflux exp. here), so you have a few options depending on how you want to go...
- you can feed more frequently, more on demand, almost like a growth spurt (which this could be, there's one around 6mo so your lo could be a bit early). Though this may alter your routine a bit, you may find that even adding only 1 or 2 feeds during the day will help decrease your nightwakings and will also increase your supply.
- you can keep your routine, but take some active steps to increase your supply (pumping, herbs like fenugreek, skin to skin contact, eating oatmeal, etc. see
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=65905.0) knowing that you might have to supplement with ebm after feeds as you work to increase supply.
(you may even want to do those first 2 together)
- start solids. Though the WHO recommends solids not be started until 6mo, there are varying stages of readiness, and some babies are ready sooner than others. Have a read through
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=36922.0 to see if he's ready. With food intolerance, pears might be a good first food to try. Tracy always recommended them as they are mild flavoured, easy to digest, and not likely to cause an allergic reaction. Rice cereal is a recommended first food in Canada, but it can be difficult to digest (though again, not likely to cause a reaction).
Not sure if anything here is helpful?