Wondered if anyone else had this problem, I tried DS on some scrambles egg for his tea tonight (first time), within seconds he had p.vomited the egg and his whole bottle of formula he had just had (8oz).
Red blotches with spots on (like heat spots) appeared exactly where is sick had been i.e under chin on face and on head, when I took his bib and top off over his head. I changed him and called the doctors to see if I could speak to a doctor they said he would call me back ASAP.
In the meantime DS has done his first roll from back to front upstairs and I missed it.
I went to doctors and he said that he doubted whether it was an allegery but if it was it would be pretty severe to come out straight away! He asked me to do a test on DS's leg or body with a small bit of the scrambled egg - that would determine wether it was an allergy or not. I did keep telling him that the red blotches are where his skin came in contact with egg.
I tried it when I got home on his leg and sure enough it came up red in a matter of minutes.
I am now worried
, doctor advised me to call them in the morning to let them know if it came up red.
Is this a temporary thing, has anyone else had the same problem?