Author Topic: Need help with an EASY schedule  (Read 1085 times)

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Offline Mom2katiebug

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Need help with an EASY schedule
« on: March 18, 2006, 23:25:57 pm »
It turns out that DD really loves all the activity of the daycare.  She just can't seem to close her eyes for anything!  She'll cobble together about an hours of sleep at daycare and then will take a long nap after DH picks her up.  She's getting about 2.5 hours each day and we're putting her to bed around 6pm.  On her daycare days this week, her nighttime sleep has been fantastic!  No night wakings except for one feed.  I'd really like this to continue, although she does seem to need a bit more sleep - her eyes just look so tired all the time.

Here's the weird thing.  When I was home, I was trying to get her to nap for about 3hr plus catnap, so a total of 3.5-3.75 hrs each day and put her to bed a 7pm.  So, her total sleep is just about the same, just in different chunks.  Could it be that she needs the highly stimulating A time of daycare?  How do I create this at home?  How do I figure out an EASY plan so that on the non-daycare days we still don't have the night wakings?

DD is 5MO and when at home, she seems to only be able to last about 2hrs before needing a nap.  Should I start pushing her to do longer A times or try to increase the stimulation (and if so, how)? 

Thanks much!
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Re: Need help with an EASY schedule
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 13:08:24 pm »
jaina was a lot like that - she's so social and she loved being with the other kids so much, that she was hard pressed to nap as well!

i probably wouldn't play too much with the length of her A time at home, since you will probably end up with an overtired baby, but you can look at what the difference is in A time between home & daycare.  what kinds of things do they do?  do they play outside a lot (my own personal major downfall!  ;) ) does she like being around other kids?  different things to look at?

one thing that helps me over the summer is to have everything all packed & ready to go (including lunch) right after luke gets up from his morning nap.  then we go somewhere - anywhere - the mall, a playground, a friend's house... to help put the burden of stimulation on someone else.   :D
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DS - Touchy/Grumpy