Hi Steph
Yes, my DS still woke during the night at 5 months.
In fact, he still wakes during the night at 11 1/2 months (sorry, don't mean to scare you!)
It is VERY common for babies to wake throughout the night during their first year (and even for their first 3 years). It is VERY common for babies up to 9 months to need up to 2 feeds during the night and babies up to 12 months to still need a feed during the night.
The best "words of wisdom" I can share is that you need to lower your expectations about your baby sleeping though and that way she won't disappoint/frustrate you. KNOW that night wakings are common (more common than no night wakings) and KNOW that your DD is not the only 5 month old waking and feeding during the night.
She will get there in her own time (they all do)
The other thing I would say is do what you can to resettle her back to sleep but if she is struggling then she is probably hungry and you will not do ANY damage by feeding her.
Good luck to you