I agree with Louise. My lo had the same symptoms, grunting, gas pulling the legs up, unable to lie on her back and it was making things miserable. Most mornigs she would lie in her crib half asleep and grunting. It only got worse as time went on. I tried formula which she threw up, cutting caffine, nuts and berries out of my diet (ped's suggestion) nothing helped. Everyone kept telling me that she was just a gassy baby, and being a 1st time mom I listened even though my gut told me different. At 12 weeks a different doc suggested lactose free formula and in 3 days I noticed a huge difference. HE said that it might take up to 10 days. I was like you Stacie and my lo lived off of gas drops and the gripe water did nothing. Well no more drops and she is now 9 months old. One doc told me she would cry all the time if ti was lactose intolerance, but she didn't. I also thought that it might be reflux, as there is lots of similar syptoms. I switched to lactose free enfamil/enflac and didn't try the soy. Try your lo on it for 10 days and if no improvement you have ruled that out. You may want to check out protein allergy as this can also cause similar symptoms apparently. Hope this helps, good luck and let us know what happens.