Hi there
I agree with the others. A milk challenge is usually to determine the likelihood/degree of anaphalaxis where an allergy is suspected (symptons, blood/skin tests) but the degree of the allergy is not clear. As your lo has had an anaphalaxis type reaction this seems uneccesary. What did the blood tests show in terms of severity (remembering that they are not a good indicator in children due to false readings)?
For your info, however, this is what happened at our milk challenge in our NHS hospital.
- Went in ladened with toys, and distractions and a few non allergenic snacks
- Worse part was when they fitted the cannula (so that if bad reaction could get fluids into her quickly)
- Long process, starts with a drop ont he hand, then every 45mins progressing to her cheek, chin, lip, tongue then onto drinking very small amount increasing to approx 150mls.
- She was not at all happy to drink more than 50ml in one go so we had to pretty much give up but the next day she had horrendous nappy so we realised that whilst she was not going to react severely to small amounts we weren't going to be giving her large amounts of milk as she is still very mildly allergic.
- Liv was 18months at the time