DD was 9 weeks premature, born weighing 1.48kg. She now weighs 5.3kg and is 16wks old.
She was started on a bottle from birth as she was kept in hospital and i fed her expressed breast milk.
Ten days ago the breast milk started to give her terrible griping pains and wind, and it was disrupting her sleep, so we took her off it for 2 days and put her on formula whilst i changed my diet.
Returning to breast milk, she was exactly the same, doubled up in agony, so we went back to formula.
During this time, DD's appetite decreased significantly from 800ml a day to 500ml and we put it down to feeling off colour because of the pain and being over tired.
Now the griping pains have subsided, DD has never recovered her appetite (we're still using formula).
She never shouts for food and last night she went from 11pm-7am without a feed and at 7am she still didn't seem hungry.
She usually drinks the first 50ml quite hungrily and then plays with the teat as if it's a dummy. Feed can take up to 45 mins.
We've changed teats 4 times, given her warm milk and cool, fed her when she's supposed to be hungry and not hungry.
I don't know what else to do. Any hints please?