My DS had his 2mo immun jab on Mon, and 4 days later, what little routine we had is now gone
how many days will it usually take before it gets back to normal? And when I say normal, I mean, the normal that we had for 1 week.
DS is nearly 10 weeks old. he had a growth spurt at 8weeks and was cranky for the whole week, then after that we seem to find some sort of routine, with starts at 8am and feeding every 3 hours on average during the day and 4-5 at night with DFs.
After his jabs on monday, he was , as we expected, cranky and grizzly and sleepy so I let him sleep if he needed to, however he started waking up for 3 hrly feeds at night so I tried to shorten his nap on Wed. He started his day early at 7am on Thu (Yesterday) and it was ok, till about the lunchtime nap. usually he naps for 45 mins, and I can usually re settle him to go back to sleep for another 30-45min. But it was a on/off sleep till 2.30pm. he then crashed at 4 and I woke him up at 6pm.
I guess my question is, do I let him fall back into his routine on his own? I think if I try and manipulate it, he will be worse..
I am going to be stayiing at home today to see what today will bring.