Author Topic: HELP - 7 months - He won't take more than 18oz, Should I stop the dreamfeed?  (Read 1964 times)

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Offline RyansMum

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I had a look at the dropping the dream feed and it just won't work for my lo plus at the moment getting 18oz into him is a challenge!  Basically I make two 9oz bottles. 

One he has about an hour after waking in the morning around 8am then breakfast where I use some of this bottle to make up his cereal.  He usually drinks between 5 and 6oz at this bottle.  The next comes at bedtime (he just wasn't interested in drinking milk during the day since going onto 3 meals) again 9oz and he takes between 7 and 8 usually. 

I then make up a 5oz and feed him this between 11 and 11.30 and he takes between 3oz and 5oz of this.  As he is already over 7 months does it matter I continue to dream feed him and break this later on?  He only wakes occassionaly for this and I think it is mainly down to me using the bathroom which is next to his room. 

The last two nights he has been fast asleep.  Someone did suggest I change the dream feed to a mid afternoon feed but as my lo is so disinterested in milk I am worried this would mean he takes even less than 18oz!  Any advice would be appreciated! 
« Last Edit: April 01, 2006, 06:10:05 am by Calums_Mum »

Offline LŠuren

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At this age he still should get at least a pint a day (20oz). The suggested time to drop the d/feed is 7months, if you drop it you may fin that he has a better milk appetite durning the day.  I have never heard of a daytime dreamfeed ???

What solids is he eating during the day?
Lauren x

Offline *Natasha*

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I agree with Calums Mum if you drop the dreamfeed then he should take more during the day.
My DD only has 3 milk drinks a day, 8ozs at 8am, 7ozs at 1.30pm and 8ozs at 6.45pm. She also has 2ozs on her cereal and i usually put 2ozs in a cup for her to drink with lunch to get a few extra ozs into her. So in total she has about 27ozs a day.

Natasha proud Mum to:

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Offline RyansMum

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Hi there, sorry didn't mean daytime dreamfeed, I meant a feed in the afternoon instead of feeding at night.

Today he took 5 oz of feed then 2.5 on his cereal he is having tea late but its just a bit of toast and yoghurt so should not hurt appetite for milk later.  He has ready brek in morning with puree, 2 courses at lunch, pasta or meat followed by yoghurt or milky pud, then tea is either finger food or a light savory dish followed by a yoghurt or rusk.  He is not a big big eater and does let me know when he has had enough.

Still worried if I drop the dreamfeed he will still not be that interested in milk during the day!

Offline LŠuren

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it may be better if you do it gradually as the stopping dreamfeeding guide explains.
Lauren x

Offline RyansMum

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Yeah read those don't think it will work that way for us but will try to reduce and include an afternoon feed soon.

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Hi Ryans mum

Not sure if this will be any help, but I also have a DS who is not a big milk drinker!  I have been constantly struggling to get milk into him, and until a few days ago gave a late dream feed to get in a few extra ounces.  As I will be going back to work soon I wanted to up his milk intake during the day, so I would not have to continue with a dream feed (and get my sleep!).  However, he has not increased his intake at all, and is now only taking between 18-20 ounces a day!  I have also been concerned that he does not always even take a pink of milk (and is only on 2 small meals a day, as has only just turned 6 months).  My GP has told me to stop worrying about it, and that whatever he takes is fine, as he will take what his body needs.

Of course I will need to watch his weight gain to be assured of this, but if your DS is taking 18 ounces, and having some on his cereal and in puddings, you are well over the pint, so it sounds fine! 

Just wanted to let you know what I have been told about this, and to say you are not alone in trying to get your LO to take milk!

Anyway good luck (and let me know if you find a magic way to up the milk!!!!)

Gabriels Mum

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have you also tried giving him a 5 - 10 minute break during the feed then trying again?
Lauren x

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Bradley is just over 7 months now, he prefers food to milk! I stuiggle to get 20 oz in him, i spoke to my GP he said not to worry abnout it. Bradley has 9 ounces 1st thing then an hour later he has breakfast. I found that giving him breakfast before a bottle made him less interessted in milk. He eats well during the day and sometimes I can get him to take a few ounces with his lunch. Then he has another 8 ounce bottle before bedtime. I was dreamfeeding him but he stoppped on his own when he got to 5 months he just wouldnt take it anymore, and still slept through so we were lucky there.
When you give him lunch just try offereing a small bottle with lunch, even if he takes a few ounces it will just top him up.
Does he sleep well? and is he still putting on weight? All babies are different and remember that these amounts are only guidelines, nothing is set in stone
good luck!!!

Offline RyansMum

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Hi ladies and thank you so much for your replies, thank you for making me feel better.

Last night I went in to lo around 11.30 to give dream feed, he was awake for the first time in ages but had no interest in his bottle and promptly went back to sleep after being in my arms for 5 mins trying to get milk in him!

This morning he did not wake up hungry and again only took 5 oz to drink with 2 oz in his cereal half hour later!  Have decided to try a 2.30 feed with a max 5 oz like dream feed was and see if he will take that and bedtime milk, having a light tea at 4.30 to make sure he is still hungry for milk!

He is an excellent sleeper and hasn't woken in the night for ages.  His usual wake up time is 7am and he goes to bed around 7.30.  He naps have improved too and he is a very happy baby.  His weight has always been just below the 50 percentile so have never been worried about that.

After hearing from you ladies I think I will just relax for a bit, if he doesn't want it I can't force him!