I just want to say that I was told that I should do single side until 3 months and then go to double sided. This was by the bfing clinic at my hospital. I did follow this advice, but later on, after becoming a mod I think, maybe just before, I tried to get my lo to single side again. The choice is yours, but I think single side feeding makes so much sense.
I really can't offer too much help as my son helped me move him to single side. It was a really easy transition. But he was the same. It was almost as if he was too lazy to work for the hindmilk. I just kept offering him the drained side after he bobbed off. Or I would wait 10 minutes and put him back on the same breast. After that, then put back on the other breast to make sure they are full. After awhile hopefully your little girl will start "working" again at getting the hind milk.
But again, it's personal choice.
Aidens Mom: Is there anything else you want answered or want support with? I just want to make sure you have everything you need to continue.