Author Topic: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?  (Read 1960 times)

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Offline threefold_cord

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Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« on: April 08, 2006, 18:42:51 pm »
Hello everyone we've just started infant swiming lessons ;D ;D. My husband and i were sooo excited to take lo to the pool. We read that it can help w/ motor development and while there we saw 2 and 3 yr olds diving :o! However that night we had the worst night ever :-[! Has anyone else tried infant swiming lessons? What was your experience?He likes a bath and the teacher handled the children in a very smooth and relaxed manner.  We'd really like to keep upthe lessons. Lo took it in stride and even laughed during some of the exercises but then cried a little after being taken underwater too many times. However he quickly calmed down and did well for the rest of the class. That night, he woke up all through the night crying and my husband was constantly doing Pu/Pd and the shh..Pat. What do you think about this? I hope that this is not too much for lo. He goes once a week. Please share your advice and thoughts. Thanks.

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 00:09:15 am »
What time were the lessons?  Did the lessons interrupt naps?  How old is your lo?
Just thoughts...

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 00:49:07 am »
Not sure how old your lo is but mine seems to have a fussy night whenever something new is introduced and then she gets over it. Maybe it'll take 1 or 2 more visits for him to be used to it and not fuss at night.
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Offline threefold_cord

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 05:26:33 am »
Yea thanks we will try again. Lo is 5 1/2 months and the lessons are at 12:00 and last for a half an hour. he usually naps around 12:30/1:00.

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 05:59:06 am »
My ds#1 has been doing lessons since about 6 mo (was "swimming" in other pools from 4mo) & ds#2 did them from 6months until recurrent ear infections made me decide to stop for a while.

My comment would be our teacher ( had the same one for over 2 years) doesn't take lo's under the water until they are ready & for her she says that is if they start at around 6months not until they have had at least 4 or more lessons.

Is yours a Mummy & bub class & are you in the water too, as if it is just your lo & the teacher, it could be a "reaction" to him spending time away from you... early sep anxiety.

My comment as a mother of a 32mo independent swimmer... now learning to dive  ;), is take it slow, don't take his face (nose & eyes) under water for a few weeks yet & treat it as "fun" rather than wanting him to gain skills... most of them don't "swim" until about 18months at least.

I actually found ds slept better, so I think it was more th "change" & as he gets used to it, it will get better... that or he got water in his ears & they were sore...another reason not to take his ears under
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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2006, 16:20:12 pm »
In the swim class I take Katie to, the babies don't go underwater really at all - maybe that's what scared your LO?  Our swim instructor said you should make it more game-like, as in you duck your head under and pop up and laugh like it's funny and then your LO can do it too if they're interested.  If being underwater is upsetting him then take it slow for a few weeks.  Also, it could just be the novelty of it all.  So I would go back and take it nice and slow from now on.  I'm sure he'll grow to love it soon!

Offline threefold_cord

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taking it slow now
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2006, 16:46:24 pm »
Yea thanks for all the advice. Ours is a class where one parent goes into the water with the child. This time it was my husband. On several occasions the teacher held my lo and did a few exercises with him. They do make it fun for the children, however once my husband took lo underwater w/o letting him know what was about to happen he began to cry. Before that he went underwater and didn't have a problem with it (I think he was just feeling it all out). Thanks for the advice. Perhaps we got too excited about everything at the beginning (I do have a tendency to do that sometimes :-\). So yes I will take it slow from here on out. Thanks.

Offline joanmarie

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2006, 23:02:25 pm »
I took my son to a parent-child class when he was 6 months old, and he really seemed to enjoy it, although he was the youngest one and not really able to splash or kick very well. We did a lot of song and dance moving about in circles as a group and splashing, bouncing, kicking, blowing bubbles, etc. We also practiced them "jumping" off the side of the pool (parent in the water holding child). We only got to go 3 of 4 months, then he got sick, so we are going back for a 2 month session when he is 8 months. A lot of the stuff you really don't need a class to teach you, but it is nice to have your instincts verified, and the socialization is nice. It was the first time my ds was around many babies.

Has anyone heard whether swimming in a pool is good/bad for psoriasis and/or eczema? Obviously, chlorine is drying, but we wash really well immediately after. A nurse practitioner in a dermatology office told me swimming can be GOOD for my son's skin, but I wondered what anyone else with skin problems or a child with skin problems had heard from your health professionals. (We are waiting for an appointment with a new dermatologist in May.)

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DS2 7/2008

Offline cazza92

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Re: Anyone tried infant swiming lessons w/ lo?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2006, 13:45:42 pm »
I have been swimming with m,y little girl for a couple of months. Intially she would get cranky more due to tiredness but as we continued she got better so i expect he was just a bit overtired and this will improve :)