... but is extremely cranky!
We used to be able to help her sleep for 12 hours with frequent night wakings when she had colic. Because of this, her bedtime used to be 10 PM at the earliest, but we could get her to sleep (somewhat until 10 the next day). We finally moved her bedtime to 8, and she would (sort of) sleep until 8... but then daylight savings hit. We couldn't put her to bed at 8 because she has a fierce problem with 30 min naps, and when we got her down (yes, we have a bedtime routine) she would wake at 8:30 and be almost impossible to get back to sleep for over an hour. So we've been trying to gradually mover her from 9 to 8, somewhat unsuccessfully. Last night, she didn't officially go to bed until about 11 for some reason... (she woke up every 15 min. for almost 2 hours)! This morning, she woke up at 6, so I fed her, and she fought my attempts to get her to sleep until now, 8 am, and I've finally given up. She's extremely cranky right now, but won't sleep. I'd give you our EASY routine, but we don't have one because the child fights me so hard! I know she wants more sleep because on a good day (which is still pretty bad) she welcomes it and is happy. I'm working on extending her naps, because, if I don't, she'll have 6 or 7!
I'm really frustrated and sick of crying... both hers and mine. Yesterday her routine looked like this
7:45 wake
9:30 nap (sat there doing pat/sh to extend it and finally gave up at 10:50)
11:00 feed
12:45 nap (she woke up after 1/2 an hour, fought me for another 30 and then finally, slept w/ me... no other choice...)
2:30 feed
4:00-4:30 catnap
5:00 cluster feed
6:30 catnap
7:00 cluster feed
9:00 bed
and she woke at 9:15, 9:30, 10:00, 10:45, and finally stopped at 10:45. Woke at 12:30. Pat/sh'ed for 20-30 min. Feed her at 2:30. Feed at 6:00 and she's basically been awake ever since. This child needs more sleep! She wants it, but won't take it! I'm losing my mind! I wonder if I should just go back to 5 catnaps a day, until she lengthens them on her own.... but she is so cranky that way!
Anybody want to adopt a beautiful little girl?