Hi, I haven't posted for a while but I always find it helpful to read through the posts from time to time - I'm having problems with my 11m old's bedtimes and couldn't see any existing posts which might be relevant, so hoping someone might be able to help! I'd be really grateful for any comments!
I've always used pu/pd and up till about 6 weeks ago I'd put my LO awake but drowsy in the cot after a cup of milk and a couple of mins wind-down/cuddle time, keep my hand on her for a bit and she'd drift off. Recently though it can take up to an hour to get her off. I'm trying to follow the year old advice (no pick up, just put down once she stands) but it can be really arduous and lengthy! She rarely cries, but just wants to play and fidget, sometimes I think it's teething (bites cot side, shoves fingers into mouth etc) but other times I can't see what it could be. She's tired, but seems to really be fighting it - either that or something is making her really restless even though she appears to be totally exhausted. Arrghh!
If she doesn't settle when I put her in, I sit by the side of the cot and only get up if she stands up, then I just do the pd bit and hope she settles with a hand on her, if not, I sit by the cot and wait again...so it goes on!
It's not usually that bad at naptimes, although once or twice in the last week it's been the same as it is at bedtime, and so I wonder if I need to extend her wake time between naps or try and tweak them...ie shorten the morning one by a bit.
This is her day, if it helps shed any light on things:
7am ish wake, cup of milk (BF till 9 months)
8am ish breakfast, solids
9.30ish nap - sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour
12ish lunch, solids
2.30ish (sometimes not till 3ish) nap, half an hour to an hour
I try not to let her sleep past 4pm
7pm ish bedtime
If she's had a late, long sleep I try to give her a slightly later bedtime, ie 7.30/7.45pm
She usually sleeps through till about 7am (I know this won't last but am grateful for this phase right now!!) and if she does wake fully and I have to go in, I don't feed her but try and settle her in the usual way, at the moment she's not too difficult to get back to sleep unless teething is underway!
Can anyone offer any advice? Should I try and make the morning nap shorter, or make it later? Should I let her sleep only till 3pm, to give her more awake time before bedtime? I know that at some point the 2 naps go into one nap but I want to take my cue from my LO as to when this happens. Should I leave the room if she's not settling? I did try this but it seemed to wind her up more and it's not how we've dealt with sleep stuff so far.
Sorry this post is so long, just wanted to give detail and also feels better getting it off my chest!!!
Thanks to whoever reads this and I hope to read some helpful hints!