Hello all,
I am wondering how many times my 6mo old should be getting breastfed. Currently, I BF at 7am 10:45, 2:30, 6:30 and sometimes after 1am (They are not exactly 4 hrs apart as 7:00 is too late for him to begin his last feed.)
I have started out on solids meaning a cube of pear/potato once a day and 2 tsp of rice cereal.
I feed him the solids before at the 10:45 feed and the 6:15 feed.
What I am experiencing is that his 2:30 feed is very little. Theoretically I am guessing that he could feed better at 2:45 if I dropped the 4 ounces during the night. However, feeding him once when he wakes naturally has resulted is awesome nights. BTW, I am doing the core process (not sure if that is its name) and do not plan to feed before 1:30am. Last night he woke at 2am gulped 4 pounces of bottle/boobie and slept until 7am. I really don't mind waking once in the night. 4 weeks ago it was 4-5 times.
Sorry that the above is not flowing.. Cory is being a little needy right now
I guess, in part I am looking for a schedule that will include enough BFs. I also have his swimming lessons starting next week which are between 11:30 and noon. Normally he feeds at 11:00 but this may change if solids are intro'd at breakfast!
Anyone have a feeding schedule they can share? I have noticed that Cory will not eat before 3.5hrs are up from the last feed and he also will not take solids after BF'ing - only before...
Any input would be totally loved!
Sarina - Cory's mom