Author Topic: naps: how long when more tired?  (Read 1344 times)

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Offline nathansmum

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naps: how long when more tired?
« on: April 18, 2006, 14:59:30 pm »
Hi there!

here is a question: @ 4 months, how long should I let my LO sleep if he's more tired? Let's say he eats @ 7:00 should be going down @ 9:00, but is tired before. I put him down and then what? Do I let him sleep untill 11:00 or do I wake him after 2 hours thus messing up the 4 hour feeding routine (we like to feed when we wake...)?

I was just wondering and would like your opinions...
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline brightside

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 19:35:08 pm »
Hi Marilyn: I'd let him sleep until 11am to keep him on the routine. However, if when you do that he has less sleep in the afternoon or at night then you might want to rethink. I would imagine that if he wants to go to sleep earlier than 9am after waking at 7 then its because he hasn't slept as well at night?
Cath, 33

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Offline nathansmum

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 20:59:58 pm »
Hey Cath! Thanks, that's what I thought.

Yeah, I suppose it's because his early morning sleep hasn't been as good when this happens. But sometimes, it will also be in the afternoon... I guess it's just important to follow his cues.

so, here is another question: if in the pm his nap isn't as good (we are @ 1 nap in am, and 1 in pm, then catnap) then he is tired earlier for his catnap which is only around 45min. and then he is tired earlier for the night. Should I just put him down earlier then? Won't that lead up to him getting up earlier? ie: today his pm nap didn't go good so instead of being tired for his nap around 5-ish he went down @ 4:30 and this means his bedtime will probably end up being around 6-ish maybe 6:30 @ the latest because Nathan gets tired quickly at this time of day... I don't want him to get in a habit of getting up THAT early! :o
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline brightside

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 10:49:16 am »
I'm having the same problem. I'd put him down to bed early. That's better than keeping him up later by squeezing in an extra short nap. I found that I had more night wakings if I did that. Not that an early bedtime made THAT much difference  ::) At the weekend I had to put Ben down at 6.15pm! And fed at 6pm instead of 7pm. He did wake about 4.30 but chatted for a bit and went back to sleep and then I had to wake him at 7am. It doesn't necessarily mean he will wake earlier. I've tried all sorts of connotations with naps etc and am currently going with the 45minute monster and having 4x45 mins so that I can preserve a reasonable bedtime. Don't know if its the right thing to do-will let you know how it goes.
Cath, 33

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Offline nathansmum

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 15:44:32 pm »
Ok, so what does your day look like w/ the 45 min naps? Also, does Ben wake up crying or does he play in his crib?

Nathan always cries.  :(
As for the 45 min. naps, last week he did great on the 4 hour routine w/ 2 hour naps. He would wake up at either 45 min. or 1h10 but he would be fairly easy to resettle. This week I don't know what's up!!!  ??? I can't resettle him. I don't know if this is paci related... But he's kind of grumpy when he doesn't have a full nap! I was just wondering what your day is like with feeding and 45 min. naps? I might try it and see.
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline brightside

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2006, 16:51:59 pm »
Marilyn: Ben's ok when he has 45 mins-he can still go 2hours. If Nathan isn't then I agree with Stacy I wouldn't do it. If he will sleep longer in the later afternoon, then go with that but if he will only have 45 mins then go with an earilier bedtime. If he's only had a short nap around lunch then he might well be tired enough for a 2 hour nap around 4pm.
Cath, 33

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Offline nathansmum

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2006, 17:03:29 pm »
Thanks gals!
While you were posting I read somebody's post about pu/pd getting worse around the 5th day and I think this is exactly were I am w/ Nathan... so, I'll just ride this out I guess. Sometimes I just lack courage and conviction that I am doing the right thing...  ::)

So, does Ben wake up crying or is he ok?

Here is another question: If Nathan needs to go down for an earlier bedtime because he's tired, let's say 6:15-30. What do I do w/ the 7:00-7:30 feed??? Do I give it an hour early, or do I do it in his sleep kind of like a DF?
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008

Offline brightside

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2006, 17:09:51 pm »
Marilyn: Ben wakes up fine. Occasionally he cries and then I'll try to extend but mostly he wakes up cooing. When I've done an early bedtime I've fed as late as possible but just in time to feed and burp him before putting him down eg at 6pm. I usually do the DF at 10pm anyway but if you do yours later then I would just bring it forward a bit so that he doesn't wake for it and its no longer than 4 hours since previous feed.  
Cath, 33

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Offline nathansmum

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Re: naps: how long when more tired?
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2006, 17:13:43 pm »
Thanks again ladies!
I will keep trying to extend Nathan's naps as he always wakes up crying.  :'(

I will hang in there!!!  ;)
mom to Nathan - december 6, 2005
& Lilymae - June 20, 2008