Hey Lauren,
5 a.m. - bottle - 4 - 6 ounces
5 - 7 a.m. - activity
7 am. - nap
9 am - bottle/breakfast - four ounces and 4 - 5 ounces tbsp. rice cereal and sm. amt of banana
9-12 - activity
12 - nap
2am - lunch/bottle - 4 - 5 ounces and 4 tbsp. veggies ie. broccoli/carrots, few cherrios.
2 - 5 p.m. - activity
5p.m. - catnap - 45 minutes
6 p.m. - bottle/ supper - 4 - 5 ounces - 4tbsp. veggies.
7 pm - bathtime
7:30 - bedtime
occasionally up around 10 p.m. for another bottle - 2 ounces
In Canada, they say 24 - 32 ounces - but that makes me feel better that in the UK they're saying 20 oz is adequate. I would say she is less interested in her 9 am bottle and is ravenous for her 5 am bottle more than anything.
She's never been a big eater, I'm really not sure why she isn't getting enough, I don't think it's the solids because she had the same intake even before we started the solids, she just doesn't drain those bottles, I used to make 8 oz. per bottle but there would always always be 3 - 4 oz. leftover and wasted so I started making 6 oz and she only drains that maybe for her 5 am feed. She doesn't wake up at night at all usually, just at 5 am when she's ready to be up and eat. She is gaining weight and growing beautifully, she's not a skinny baby but I wouldn't call her chubby either. Her urine output is adequate. Maybe she just eats like a bird and that's just her way, I'm not sure.
She hasn't started eating any dairy products like cheese or yoghurt b/c she is allergic to milk proteins and is on soy formula, she usually just gets cereal, veggies and fruit only.