Author Topic: starting EASY  (Read 1610 times)

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starting EASY
« on: May 15, 2006, 02:26:25 am »
I am thinking of starting this routine with my 6 week old! will it work? is it woth it? she is a shocking settler.  I haven't brought the book yet but have just been reading this forum for days. And looking stuff up on the net about it and tracy hogg etc i would love to get some 'routine' happening with aliera. she is bottle fed. Sometimes she goes to sleep ok but then wakes after 1 hour (then it's only 2 hours between feeds.) I also have a 2and a half year old.

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 05:30:21 am »
I don't have must time at the moment, however here is a link to another post that will get you started on EASY.

It is definitely well worth getting the first and second books; the first book is an overview of the EASY 'concept' and the second book goes into any problems you may have in great detail.

As Tracy said "EASY isn't necessarily easy but (but it works)".

Give us a shout if you need more help or clarification on anything, the link I have given you is an excellent start point.
Hope to see you around the boards again, good luck and let us know how you get on.

Lauren x

Offline Katie

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 07:41:00 am »

thanks for the link,  I have sort of been doing this our major problem is aliera is a bad sleeper she wakes up after 40 - 70 mins and then we sush - pat to resettle but sometimes she just keeps crying.  If I get her up and do EASA won't she be too tired for next EAS? I just went to buy the book (i'm in Australia) and it was all sold out waiting for another copy to come in. the other thing is Aliera shows tired signs like 45mins after she gets up (including feed time) so I just feel like we are all over the place!

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 15:41:22 pm »
do you want to post your routines and we can have a look.  45min 'A' time is pretty normal.
Lauren x

Offline Katie

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 02:55:45 am »
This was our routine yesterday

E: 7.15am
A: 7.30 - 8
S: 8.20 - 10

E: 10.10am
A: 10.30 - 11.10
S: 11.20 was really unsettled here kept going to sleep then wakes up cying lots of sh and pat going on in totak about 45mins sleep all inturupted!

E: 1.05pm
A: 1.25 - 1.50.
S: 2.00 (was really hard to put to sleep and was unsettled for this sleep as well)

E: 3.30
A: 3.45 - 4.30
S: 5 - 7 (took a while to self settle a bit os shh and pat here)

A: bath at 7
E: 7.30
A: 10 mins
S: 8 -

10.30pm Dreamfeed (but only had 40mls!!)

E: 1.30

E: 5.30

then woke her at 7.30 this morning and started again was a bit disruptive though as we had a doctors apponitment

Sometimes after dreamfeed she doesn't wake till 3.30 and then can make it to 7 other times she has 2 feeds like last night!

I have started the book and think she is a touchy baby! she is quite happy playing and then 1 second later is crying! she also doesn't do well after we go out anywhere resettling is a nightmare!!

I think that's about it.. going to get back to the book now :)

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2006, 09:21:22 am »
Based on the info you gave i.e. Aliera is able to stay awake 45mins between naps, here is what your day may look like. When you think she is able to last longer during 'A' times you would start the wind down later.  Wind down, should take place during the end of her 'A' time.  There was info on the link I posted about the 4 S's wind down.

E: 7.00am
A: 7.30  - look to start Aliera's wind down at 7.50am or as soon as you see sleep cues after the feed.
S: 8.00

E: 10.00am
A: 10.30 - look to start Aliera's wind down at 10.50am or as soon as you see sleep cues after the feed.
S: 11.00

E: 1.00pm
A: 1.30 - look to start Aliera's wind down at 1.50pm or as soon as you see sleep cues after the feed.
S: 2.00

E: 4.00pm
A: 4.30 - look to start Aliera's wind down at 4.50pm or as soon as you see sleep cues after the feed.
S: 5 - 5.45pm  **CATNAP ONLY**

E: 6.00pm
A: bath at 7
E: 7.30pm
A: 10 mins  ***no activity as such, only wind down***
S: 8 -

10.30pm Dreamfeed (but only had 40mls!!)  ****dreamfeed may take up to a week to see any benefits***

E: 1.30

E: 5.30

then woke her at 7.30 this morning and started again  - try and have a SET wakeup time and stick to it.

Sometimes after dreamfeed she doesn't wake till 3.30 and then can make it to 7 other times she has 2 feeds like last night!  -   this may happen during growth spurts as well

I have started the book and think she is a touchy baby! she is quite happy playing and then 1 second later is crying! she also doesn't do well after we go out anywhere resettling is a nightmare!!  - I think a possible reason she is unsettled for naps is she is possibility overtired or hasn't been wound down.

 Finally, it will be good to keep a log of your EASY days.
Lauren x

Offline Katie

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2006, 09:56:53 am »
thanks I will try this out tomorrow! :)
Just 1 question why eat at 6 and 7.30? Is it half at 6 and the rest at 7.30? or 2 whole feeds?
I don't think she would take 2 whole feeds that close together.


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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2006, 10:14:00 am »
you can either feed at 4, 6 & 7.30/8pm = clusterfeeding or 4 & 7pm.

You chose what ever works for you, CF'ing is a way of 'tanking-up' your LO. (both options inc. a DF later on).

Lauren x

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Re: starting EASY
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2006, 12:08:28 pm »
I am srill having trouble with her naps
but night is great can't complain there :)

today she had a good 2 hr sleep in the morning and then the other 3 naps were ver disruptive, even when I  catch her early tired cues!!
we'll get there though it's just getting to know her better I guess
she's very cute though, even if I do feel like I'm going nuts some days  :P

i am starting to enjoy her more though. my toddler is such a great help she love aliera heaps!!  Tiahnee was an angel/textbook baby,  Aliera is a touchy/spirited baby so it's just getting used to it!!

Thanks for all your help  ;D