Author Topic: Night Wakeings not stopping!!  (Read 1113 times)

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Offline melbrad

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Night Wakeings not stopping!!
« on: April 27, 2006, 13:38:02 pm »
My dd is still waking 2 times in the night after I put her to bed.  She is 15 weeks old today.   I thought it may be a food problem so I pumped 1 hr after BF feeds yesterday and would give her the extra after each feeding.  I believe she got an extra 6 ounces of BM.  We are on a 3 to 3.5 EASY (trying to slowly extend).  Her feeds are 7 , 1030, 130, 430, 730.  She then will wake at 1030 or 1100 which is fine for me b/c I don't do a DF, then she is waking up anywhere between 2 and 3 to feed again.  I'm having a hard time extending the afternoon feeds due to her waking up with naps-but we're still trying.  It's very exhausting to pump an hr after each feed as this is her A time and I miss spending time with her or I need to run an errand.   Do you think its a food problem?  She was sleeping at a 6-8 hr stretch before this.  Also, do most babies at 16 weeks switch to a 4EASY.  Thanks! :)  Also, how do I download a picture of my lo as part f my post?

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Night Wakeings not stopping!!
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 14:17:15 pm »
OK 1-2 wakings at 15 weeks is normal. Your LO may need more food yes, but it is normal. Have you ever concidered topping up with formula? Sometimes due to whatever reason its to hard to get enough breastmilk pumped. Talk to your doctor if your not adverce to formula about a formula that may work with your breastmilk. Make sure you find a bottle that encourages bf. Platex advance disposables work really well, they have a natual latch nipple of soft sillicone and they have a try flow nipple so the baby still has to work for the food and doesn't get lazy. It will give your LO the extra food she may need and it will give you the time you want with her. Its just a thought. The other option is to feed more or longer. If thats the rout you wish to take please ask at the bf forum as they'll  have better info for you there.
When your LO wakes is she gassy? crying? fussy? Can you describe how she is and her cry/fuss?
Does she use a paci?
How long are her naps currently??
What time is bedtime?

As for the picture, when your makeing a post click on Additional Options and it'll have what you need to post pics :)


Offline melbrad

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Re: Night Wakeings not stopping!!
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2006, 15:26:51 pm »
It's crying (gets louder and loouder).  She doesn't use a pci since she found her thumb to soothe.  She naps an average of 1 hr to 1 1/2 each time (3/day).  I'm concerned that if I use formula it will decrease my milk supply?  Thanks!

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Night Wakeings not stopping!!
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2006, 19:22:17 pm »
unfortunitly it is a possibility yes. However I think it would be a good idea to ask at the breastfeeding forum, they'll be more help. I was unsuccessfull for bfing so I'm not sure about the details. But I do know many people do it. I suggest you ask them ok :)

Offline misha

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Re: Night Wakeings not stopping!!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2006, 21:08:32 pm »
With a baby that is purely BF and before introduction to solids, I have yet to met a mommy who can successfully get them on a 4 hour schedule. Now that solids are introduced at 6 months, that is when I could move LO to a 4-hour routine. Don't stress out about that. If anything, you should be feeding LO more often because you need to increase your supply and stop worrying about the pumping which is a big PITA! ;)
Try to take a "nursing holiday" as they call it- let LO nurse as much as possible and do as little as possible for 2-3 days and build up your supply then go back to your routine.
I would avoid "topping off" with formula as this will certainly lead to an insufficient supply (it's all supply&demand, KWIM? so if you "import" you'll never have enough). All of this of course, that your babe is gaining sufficiently!
I think you need to work on your supply for a few days and reassess  :)
Michelle & Max