Author Topic: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy  (Read 1468 times)

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10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« on: July 19, 2007, 17:21:12 pm »
Hi, my son Keenan is 10 weeks old tomorrow. We've been following a sort of EASY routine very casually, and only in the last week or so have I really tried to keep with it. I've been writing down how long he sleeps, eats, and plays each day to see what his natural rhythms are. All times are approximate.

6:30: wake up; once picked up is fairly content; eats 3-4 oz. (formula)
7-7:45: awake time
8:00-8:50: nap
8:50-9:15: I use shush-pat to try to get him back to sleep. It doesn't work, so after twenty or so minutes I stop and pick him up.
9:15-9:30: awake time; he's perfectly happy, grinning and playing
9:30: eats 4 oz.
10:00: nap
12:15/12:30: wake up; eats 4 oz.
1:00: awake time; is still generally content
1:45: nap
4:15: I wake him up and give him his Prevacid, which has to be given on an empty stomach 30 mins. before a meal
5:00: eat 4 oz.
5:30: awake time; generally content; catnaps off and on (10 mins. here, 5 mins. there) while DH and I make dinner and eat; sometimes is fussy, sometimes is not; no out-and-out screaming or even crying for very long
6:30: bath
7:15: bed
8:30: wakes up; eats 5 oz. [doesn't always happen; if he wakes up on his own we feed him, but we don't wake him up at this time if he's still sleeping]
10:15: dreamfeed, 4-5 oz.
wakes up on own anywhere between 1 and 3 a.m. for feeding, 5 oz.

These times can vary either direction by an hour or so, depending on when he gets up and what errands, etc. we've had to run. He sleeps 16-18 hours a day, which his ped. said was normal and good. When his reflux isn't acting up, he's usually fairly content. Since he's been on reflux meds, he isn't any more fussy in the evenings than he is any other time of the day.

My question is about his first nap being forty-five minutes. I know naps longer than that are ideal. In *The BW Solves All Your Problems*, she wrote that a short first nap would lead to evening crankiness and overtiredness, but so far that doesn't seem to be the case with Keenan. So do I need to worry about that first nap being only 45 mins.? He goes to bed at night fairly easily; if he has problems it's usually because he's having reflux, and once he burps really well or spits up, he's fine and goes off to sleep in twenty minutes or so. He also goes back to sleep quickly after his dreamfeed and early-morning feed; it's only the first nap of the day that he simply won't go back to sleep for any length of time. It seems like he makes up for the short first nap with longer naps the other two times.

He wakes up crying each time he wakes up, but calms down quickly once one of us has him. We swaddle him, and he sleeps in a baby papasan b/c of his reflux, with a white noise cd.

Keenan 5/11

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 02:14:51 am »
Hey there. Congrats on your new baby and welcome to the boards!

It sounds like you're doing a great job--kudos to you for taking some time to figure out his natural rhythms. :) I started on EASY from day 1, and while that had many advantages, I do sometimes wish that I'd waited on it for a bit for that very reason.

Many many babies still have short naps at this age. Nap patterns begin to develop around 3-4 months, with a longer a.m. nap developing first, and a longer p.m. nap developing later, around 5-8 months. So you may see a longer a.m. nap developing soon. However, since you're following his natural patterns for now, he may be a baby who always has a shorter a.m. nap, and that's OK. As you move through the first year and transition to fewer naps, the a.m. nap gets shorter and the p.m. nap is the one you want to protect and preserve.

His nap pattern is a bit unusual, with his naps getting longer throughout the day, but he's still quite young. As he approaches 4-5 months his nap pattern could very well move to the move typical two longer naps and a shorter evening catnap. If he seems to be happy and sleeping well overall, there's no real need to push for a longer nap at this time, IMO. When we were extending naps, I also set a time limit of 20 minutes--if she wasn't back to sleep after that point, she wasn't going back to sleep at all, so I just got her up. :)

My dd also always woke crying at that age, but now wakes up happy and chattering. :)

Sounds like you're doing a great job!

Offline ascwing

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 13:06:45 pm »
Thanks for the affirmation. I felt like everything was probably ok, but since this is my first (and likely only!) baby, I feel like I need reassurance sometimes from someone who actually knows what she's doing.  :D

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2007, 21:39:20 pm »
Ok, now all of his naps are 45 mins! It was just the first one, then he made the second one 45 mins. as well, and now the afternoon nap is 45 mins too! He's still fairly content during the day, and has awake time before and after each feeding since his naps are so short. Usually about one nap a day I can pat-shush him back to sleep for another 45 mins. or so. He's still going to bed at night well, and in fact has been sleeping longer stretches at night, up to six hours without waking. He's still going to bed around 7:30 and waking up around 6:15, with a df at 10:15 and then a feed between 1 and 4. Could the short naps be connected to his longer night stretches? Or could it be a growth spurt? (His eating is off now too-- he's only eating 3-4 oz. at 6:15 and 9:30 or so, refusing to eat any more, and then more in the afternoons and evenings. This afternoon around 1:15 he ate almost 8 oz.! His df and middle of the night feed are usually around 6 oz.) I know that they work on their nighttime sleep first and then the daytime sleep, but this 45-min. thing is driving me nuts! I feel like I don't get much of a break at all.

Keenan 5/11

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2007, 03:25:11 am »
It's really common for babies to be bitten by the 45 minute bug at this age! I know what you mean--with short naps and (relatively) short A times you really DON'T get a break. It gets SO much better as they get older and can stay up longer (they nap longer, too!)

How long is he up between naps? He could be ready to increase his A time. Rght around 3 months our naps had been improving and then went crazy short all of the sudden. DD had a dramatic increase in the amount of time she could stay awake and it took us awhile to catch on. :)

He could be fairly full in the mornings after 2 night feeds plus dreamfeed, and getting ready to drop one of the night feeds. I think we dropped down to one night feed around that age.

Oh, and the last nap of the day is usually a short catnap--so don't worry if that one's 45 minutes! I remember loving the catnap because it was the one nap I didn't need to worry about extending!

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2007, 13:12:13 pm »
He's up anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, which includes about twenty minutes for feeding. I'm trying to keep his A time low-key. This morning he sat in his bouncy seat and grinned at the ceiling fan moving while I folded laundry. Then he sat on my lap for about ten minutes and grinned at me, the ceiling fan, and the front door. He's a goofy kid.  :D Maybe his A time is *too* low-key?

Offline malialeanne

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Re: 10 wks old, first nap=45 mins. and happy
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2007, 03:26:36 am »
Tummy time or rolling practice or anything physical can be quite tiring and can make for better naps. :) At that age I just tried to stay away from anything electronic with flashing lights/music/etc within 1/2 an hour of naps to avoid winding her up too much.