LO is 4.5 months old and on 4 hour EASY. Today however he woke at 5 am for a bottle, drank the entire bottle and then slept until 720am when we woke him.
Now I have the problem of what to do now because our timing is all out.
E 5:00
S 5:00 - 7:20
A 7:20 - 9:20 (then we did a wind down)
S 9:30 - 10:15 (tried PUPD but didn't work so took him out of room)
A 10:15 - till now
I am confused because his next feed is due at 1pm, but his next nap would be 12:15, which only gives 45 min to nap and no time to try extend it becasue it will be feeding time!!
If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it!