Author Topic: Is 8:30 - 9:00pm too late for bedtime and confusion about evening routine  (Read 782 times)

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Offline Ginas Nathan

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I am feeling a little wierd about my evening routine for my 8 week old son. 

His routine is as follows:

First morning feed: 6:00/6:30am
Activity until 7:30
Sleep until 7:30 - 10:30
Feed 10:30
Activity until 11:30
Sleep until 3:30
Activity until 4:30

This is where it has been different every night.  Some times he will sleep and we will have to wake him up for a feeding at 7:00 - 7:30 because we want to get him ready for bed (routine of feeding, bath, etc...)  Other times he will stay awake and then become really fussy around 7:00 - 7:30 so bath time isn't very much fun because he is so tired.

I am just confused about what to do during this time between 4:30 and bed time.  Plus he doesn't seem to really "go to bed" until 8:30 - 9:00pm, is this too late for him?


Offline Kimberly®

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Instate a cat nap about 4:30-5 thats no more then 45 minutes, then do bedtime routine starting at 6, last feed about 6:30 and bed by 7pm, dreamfeed at 10:30.
This will ensure a steady bedtime and bedtime routine, as well as preventing your LO from being overtired.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2006, 23:33:42 pm by Karita »