Author Topic: feeding and falling asleep at night  (Read 1498 times)

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feeding and falling asleep at night
« on: May 12, 2006, 10:27:13 am »
My LO usually wakes 7 hours from his last feed, usually it is around 2-3 , beause his last feeding and going to bed is between 7 or 8. How should I treat those eating as in daytime, not to le him fall asleep? Or at nightime it is ok when he falls asleep eating?
« Last Edit: May 12, 2006, 13:51:12 pm by peike »

Offline teezee

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Re: feeding anf falling asleep at night
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2006, 12:57:07 pm »
is he still 'eating' or is comfort sucking?? i would think that your lo would probably need a feeding at that time as 7 hrs is a long time for him to go - congrats on that btw!! when he just starts comfort sucking i would then put him back are the first feedings of the day?
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2006, 13:50:10 pm »
At nighttime he is definetaly eating,can hear the culps and I think yesterday I discovered first time, when he was just sucking on my breast in the evening. Firrst feeding in day  are pretty good, about 15-20 minutes at the time and the little A time and then nap, which yesterday werent so succesful :-\

Offline teezee

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2006, 13:56:12 pm »
i would continue feeding in the night - but when it becomes comfort sucking try putting him to bed.

could you pls post lo's routine?
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2006, 14:18:51 pm »
we do not have shedule formed out as good as I like it to be, but yesterday it was messy, was like this

E 7
S about  8 with lots of crying slept on and off about 10-15 min, then decided he probably wants to eat
E 9
A maybe 10 -15 min
Slittle before 10 was trying to put him to sleep, same thing happend, slep for little and cryied
E 11
S went out he slept for hour from 12-1
E 1p.m.
S bed about 2, fell asleep 2.30 and then was trying to wake him 5.30, he woke 6
E eat about 10 min, fell back asleep, was holding him, woke up himself about 6.30
E wanted to eat again 7, because eat so little before
A  bedtime stuff
S fell asleep 8
E woke again 10, which he usually do not do, eat about 10.30
S with lots of cying and shushing, fell asleep 11.15
E again 5.15.a.m.

And new day began 8
E  8
S 9
and woke again 10, could not make him go to sleep and now he is eating

Offline teezee

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2006, 03:40:28 am »
what do you do when your lo won't sleep during the day?

have you tried adjusting A times here and there by 5 or 10 minutes to see if maybe lo will be more tired to stay asleep. it could also be a matter of lo needing help learning to self soothe and using shh pat will definately aid your lo in this.

have you ruled out other things - such as pain, discomfort....etc? just to be sure...i have to ask.
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2006, 04:02:13 am »
Wow first for a month one night waking is really good. Second when your LO wakes at night to eat its OK for them to fall asleep during that feed, night need to be a unstimulated as possible, not diaper change (Unless soiled) no lights if possible, and no talking or interaction, just eat and sleep.

Three I'm sorry your having so much trouble with daytime naps, I understand this first hand. My LO didn't have steady naps until she was 4 months. It took me a long time to teach her to sleep during the day. To compact that she didn't show signs of tiredness until it was to late, fortunately she was usually so enthralled with life she was easy to entertain by 1.5-2 months old. Its really hard. but its worth it.

Start by trying to have your LO down 10-15 minutes earlier then you currently do, it sounds like he's getting overtired.
In your evening start a bedtime routine about 6-6:30 and have bedtime moved back to 7-7:30 as by 9PM he's well into overtiredness and it'll be harder to settle him. At first he'll probably wake more for a day or too, bust stick to it and it'll work.

Start clusterfeeding in the PM. Try for 2,4, and then a final feed at bedtime, and a dreamfeed at 10:30pm, then feed him when he wakes up at night.

When I started this with my LO at about 1.5 months or so she started sleeping longer and longer at night untill she reached 12 hours a night. Now thats not to say your LO will go 12 hours at night with no wake up, few do. My DD when from 7-3 with a dreamfeed at 10:30, then from 3-7 for a while before she started going longer. Most wont go for 12 hours untill they are much older, some as old as 1-2years. But it may help with your naps as well as encourage better night sleeping.


« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 04:06:55 am by Karita »

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Re: feeding and falling asleep at night
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2006, 17:31:52 pm »
Was trying to put him on nap a little earlier, but this did not work at all. he has been just screaming.
what do you do when your lo won't sleep during the day?

have you tried adjusting A times here and there by 5 or 10 minutes to see if maybe lo will be more tired to stay asleep. it could also be a matter of lo needing help learning to self soothe and using shh pat will definately aid your lo in this.

have you ruled out other things - such as pain, discomfort....etc? just to be sure...i have to ask.
I am not sure about this, for me it seems he just cannot get to go to sleep, but maybe I am wrong :'(