Author Topic: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support  (Read 1287 times)

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Offline littlemama0405

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Hey there everone! Happy mothers day. I am catherine and im new  on the web site. I am 19 years old, and i have a thirteen month old little boy named, Charlie. Charlie was 6 weeks early at birth. He has something wrong with his little heart that the doctors are doing test on. I have had to work lately and he has been staying home with daddy and grandma. Ever sence i started working his dad has been giving him his bottle in bed and letting him fall asleep, i dont blaim him of course it is quick and easy. Know i am learning how bad it could be for him to be doing this. Tooth decay, not learning independence to fall asleep on his own. I know i want that to change, and i have some idea how to start that. but could always take more advice on it. He is a very senitive little guy. while i had 3 days off i put him on a schdule and it worked until i wasnt home any longer. the schdule was this.

7-8 wake up bottle breakfast

play time until 11:30

11:30 lunch bottle and bed
12 he would be sleeping until 2

4 snack

play time til 5:30

walk to the park play at the park bath time and bed at 8:00

I dont know if that was right cause he did seem alittle over tired from just having one nap but when we let him have 2 naps he would stay up until 11 at night. He is teething right now, and ive been giving him motrin. Ive noticed that he has had yellow soft poos like twice a day. is that normal? anyways i may be alittle over paranoid. i worked to day and his schdule was not there at all and he was super tired by 7 so we put him down and he woke back up at 8 and didnt fall asleep again til 10. he was really fussy and irritable. so i said okay i see some signs that make me feel that he may not feel good and i should just call the advice nurce and see what she says but i got a negative responce after saying that from my boyfriend and his mother. :( what do yall think? i apprecaite any advice.

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2006, 05:34:59 am »
That sounds like a really good routine :)

What if you tried putting him down for 7:30 instead of 8? so that maybe you can get him to bed before he goets overtired? If your going to make this work your going to have to get you bf and your mom on bored. I realise your young, but you seem to be doing a really good job so far. I also know how hard it is sometimes to stand up to people, especially your Mom. I find it hard, and I'm 27 :) maybe you should sit them down and tell them that they need to support you in this. Unfortunitly you wont get anywhere without their help. Have you talked to them about it?

Not sure about the poop thing though. MAybe someone else will know.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2006, 05:43:00 am by Karita »

Offline littlemama0405

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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2006, 06:26:34 am »
well even at the strech from when he wakes up to 12 he gets tired? thanks for relpying


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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2006, 08:03:06 am »
hi really feel for you. its so annoying when you get them on a great routine and someone else throws it completely out the window. i would also try an earlier bedtime and see it that works. remember your his mother and you know him best. if you think you need advice from a nurse or doctor then just ring them regardless of what bf and mil think. don't worry about if you think you wasting their time-much better to waste time than to miss something important. as for your bf and mil you need to get them on board. talk to them when their calm maybe say something along the lines of how much you appreciate their help but your LO routine is important to him and you so that he is more settled. i think your doing a fantastic job,you sound like a great mum.
p.s about the poos not sure what it could be-could it be something he ate-maybe soft due to teething.

Offline Kimberly®

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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2006, 11:30:42 am »
The best advice I ever got as a new mom was to trust myself. So you have to do the same :)
If you feel a doctor needs to be called then call a doctor. Thats what they're there for. Better safe then sorry.


Offline littlemama0405

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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2006, 21:47:49 pm »
thank you everyone for being supportive. when we try to put him down before 8 he wakes up. last night he was super tired so i put him down with his ba and made sure to do his bed time rutine and he ended up waking up at 8:30 and staying up til 10. Do you moms give your baby water from a sippy? i was told we should be but i havent been giving him much. i do need to get them on board, but i feel belittled by them, they act like they know more then me about my son. hope to hear from you soon.


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Re: Still having some trouble. :( i need helpful advice and support
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2006, 08:29:15 am »
no one knows more about your son than you. your his mother and you know him best. don't be belittled by them just because your mother has had children it does not make her an expert on your child. all children are different.what works for one child may not work for another.yes i do offer my dd water in a cup usually with her meals and during the day. sometimes she'll drink loads other days a few sips. i would just offer it to him and not worry if he drinks it or not. is there anyone else in your family or a close friend that could help you talk to your bf and mum. it might give you more confidence when tackling them as you would feel you had someone on your side. just keep telling yourself that you are a great mum.