My DS is 18 weeks old and has been on 3 hour EASY since he was maybe 8 - 10 weeks old. I am currently transitioning him onto 3.5 hour and it is going OK so far. He has 3 to 3.5 hours of naps during the day (I've fought for weeks to increase this but he seems to just want this much) and goes to bed by 7pm (after a clear, consistent bedtime routine of bath, massage and top up feed).
I could do with some thoughts on the following issues:-
- he has started waking loads during the night (he used to wake just once at 4am, but now seems to wake every hour or more from 2am)
- he is taking far longer to settle at bedtime (he used to go to sleep in about 10 minutes, now it can take anything up to an hour, with 2 to 4 wakes in that time)
- he wakes and wants to play from 6am and will only go back sleep til 7am if I feed him (which means he doesn't want a proper feed at 7am)
I still swaddle him, although tonight one hand got loose and he seemed OK sucking his thumb in his sleep. He uses a paci for a few minutes before dozing off, spitting it out just before he goes to sleep. He sleeps in our room, in a cot and I keep a check to make sure he's not too hot or cold.
I would love him to go down at 7pm and not wake until 7am...but wouldn't we all...
Thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.