Sorry for the meltdown - stressful morning...
Here is my info:
1) Naps are 30 minutes like clock work. Ive tried wake to sleep at about 25-28 minutes. I go in, pat her gently, replace her paci, and stroke her head until she stirs a little bit. It works once out of maybe five or six times, but then only until about forty minutes. Most of the time, she still wakes up right at 30. She always wakes up making these little frustrated cries. Then, if she sees me, she gets excited and smiley. So, I've been trying to keep a hand over her eyes. Then it's back to the frustrated cries, which finally build into real crying.
2) She's on the 4-hour EASY. Our day goes something like this:
6:30 a.m. Wake, bottle
7:00 - 8:00 a.m. activity. She almost always gets tired (yawning, rubbing eyes) at around 8a.m. I can usually get her to stay awake until 8:15, then she's out.
8:15ish - Nap for half hour, then fight nap for an hour
10:30 a.m. - bottle
11:00 a.m. - activity - since she's so tired from fighting her nap, she's been tired again by 11:45. I can sometimes get her to stay awake until 12:00 p.m., but it's been hard.
12:00ish - nap for half hour, then fight nap for an hour
2:30 p.m. - bottle
3 p.m. - activity
3:45 or 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. or so- again, since she's been so tired, she's been catnapping around this time. Then she's awake and pretty cranky until her next feed & bed.
6:30 p.m. - bottle
7:15 p.m. - bath & bedtime routine
7:30 or 8 p.m. (depending on how tired she is - lately it's been 7:30) small bottle & bed
3) She goes to sleep independently. She's very easy to put down. I close the blinds, read a short book, then put her in her crib, drowsy, but awake. She usually drops right off. She does use a paci and is pretty attached to it, until she falls asleep. I stopped swaddling her about a month ago because she kept kicking off the blanket. The lack of swaddling makes it harder to soothe her or do shhh/pat because she's rolling all over the place. This is only a problem at naps, though. At night, she puts herself back to sleep, even after rolling all over the crib.
If she needs an extra cat nap, should I be doing her nap routine and putting her in the crib, or just let her sleep wherever she happens to be? I usually only do the routine for the first two naps and then let her cat nap in her bouncer chair, on a blanket on the floor, or in her car seat.
Let me know if you need more info or if I can clarify. Thank you so much for your help. I don't mean to be selfish here, but without any "Y" time, I'm going crazy.