Author Topic: Growth spurts causing more night wakings?  (Read 1023 times)

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Offline TJ & Stephy's Mommy

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Growth spurts causing more night wakings?
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:46:17 am »
My ds had justed turned 4 months this past Saturday and his night wakings are occuring earlier at night than before.  For the past couple of months, we have had only 1 night waking  but for some reason the past couple of days, we are back up to 2 night wakings. 

I dream feed him around 10-10:30pm and he will sleep until about 3am or 4 am.  However, now ds is waking up at 2am and 4 am.  At 2am, he's crying out of hunger so I feed him and he's taken about 3oz.  Before when he wakes up at 4am (which I'm starting to suspect is out of habit) ds is either not really hungry and needs help going back to sleep or when he is hungry, the most he will eat is 2 oz.  So I'm wondering if this is a growth spurt since he cries for his bottle at 2am??

Here's what our 3.5 EASY looks like before this 2am night waking:

7:30am    Eat  (Breastmilk in a bottle about 4 - 4.5oz)
9:00am    Sleep
11:00am   Eat
12:30pm  Sleep
2:30pm    Eat
4:00pm    Sleep
6:00pm    Eat
7:30pm    Sleep
10-10:30pm  Dreamfeed
3am-4am   Wakes up sometimes for bottle sometimes just because

The most that lo will take at each feed is about 4oz (the most 4.5 oz and the least 3oz).  The 4oz has been the same since switching from 3 hour EASY to 3.5 hour EASY.  I thought the transition would increase his appetite but it didn't but it did help his naps.  I've tried to make him eat more but he won't.  So I'm not sure if it's because he's not eating enough during the day that is also causing the additional night waking.

Any ideas what's causing the extra night waking?


Offline RachelC

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Re: Growth spurts causing more night wakings?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 12:11:53 pm »
I would suspect growth spurt.  If the night wakings don't stop in a couple days or so, I would re-evaluate.  Perhaps begin the full transition to a 4 hr EASY.
Good Luck!

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months