Author Topic: Napping on the go...good or bad thing?  (Read 967 times)

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Napping on the go...good or bad thing?
« on: June 06, 2006, 16:52:56 pm »
My little girl is 9 weeks old.  She in on a 3 hour EASY schedule. I have a few nap questions.  I always try and put her in her crib to sleep.  At night she falls right to sleep (no swaddle...sometimes a few minutes of fussing but that's it).  During her nap time it is a different story.  I only keep her up for an hour or so at a time since she gets over tired easily. Once in awhile she falls to sleep after I swaddle her and a few minutes of fussing.  However, the other naps she just seems to squirm and get mad.  She turns red and tries to wiggle out of her swaddle (miracle's impossible ).  I know she is tired and she gets over stimulated easily.  I don't know what to do. It is so easy to just stick her in the swing because I know she will fall right to sleep.  I work from home and can only get stuff done while she is sleeping so time is very important.   Our pediatrician said that it is OK to let her sleep in the swing, but I really want her to go to sleep in her crib as much as possible.  Also, I go out and about at least once a day (on the weekends it is a bit more).  I wait until after her A time and then go out so that she sleeps while we are on the go.  Is that OK?  If I go out during her A time she will fall right to sleep and her schedule gets all mixed up.  Also, when she wakes up early and can't go back to sleep I usually put her in the swing so that she will at least get to finish her nap because I know it will be almost impossible to put her back to sleep before nap time is over with....I wake her to eat when it is time. 

Here is her schedule...maybe that will help

7am wake/feed
7-8 awake time
8-10 nap time

10am wake/feed
10-11 awake time
11-1 nap time

1pm wake/feed
1-2 awake time
2-4 nap time

4pm wake/feed
4-5 awake time
5-7 nap time

7pm eat, bath, pj's, singing, and a little bit more food
8pm bed time

Should her bed time be moved up?
Thanks for your help.

I am so in love with my husband and adore my precious Grace

Grace April 2006

Offline *Mona*

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Re: Napping on the go...good or bad thing?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 14:45:00 pm »
well, I don't know if it's a good thing to let your lo sleep on the go but I'm just doing it every day... ;)
and i can see she's just happy falling asleep easily and getting some fresh air [I'm not that happy thou to be covering so many kilometers a day-my legs are just killing me sometimes- but it definately has helped me to lose the extra kilos :)]

I guess it's better to let her sleep in a stroller than not being able to put her to sleep at all. my dd is sometimes just fighting her naps so much... but when we go out she gets her nap and everybody's much happier :)

Maja - 6 yrs
Nina - 27.11.2012 :)