Author Topic: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?  (Read 1542 times)

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Offline frankiesmom

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Hello.  Ds is only 10 days old but I had a few questions about EASY.
He is bf, he is going to sleep swaddled using pat/sh.  Once in awhile he wakes up at the 45 minute mark and needs some help to get back down and sometimes I hear him make noise but he puts himself back to sleep.
He was 7 pounds 8 ounces at birth and healthy. His activity time is very little, mostly just diapering. 
I have him on a 3 hour EASY and about 50 to 75% of the time, I have to wake him from his naps during the day to eat.  This is not the case at night.  I am trying to establish a dream feed, but it seems he wakes before we can even get to 10 o'clock (with his last feed at 8pm).  Then he seems very restless the rest of the night and will often wake before it is time for his 3 hour feed.

Here is my schedule from yesterday:

E 8:00
A 8:45 diaper, change clothes
S: 9:05 (woke after 45 minutes but was able to get back down with pat/'sh

E:  11:00
A:  11:40 diaper
S:  12:15

E:  2:45
A:  3:15 diaper
S:  3:00

E: 4:45 (had to wake)
A: 5:20 diaper/bath
S: 6:00

E:  7:45 had to wake
S:  8:30

wanted to do a df here at 10, but woke on his own at 9:45 so dh gave him a bottle and he took 2 ounces of formula

woke again at 11:00 and I bf him
woke again at 1:40 and I bf him
woke again at 4:20 and I bf hiim
woke again at 5:45 (45 minutes after going to sleep)  tried to extend sleep time and ended up feeding at 6:30

8:00 back in bed

So, it seems as though he is sleeping well during the day, but not so great at night.  I haven't been able to establish a dream feed yet b/c he keeps waking before we get there. 
If I increase activity time at all, he is hard to get down for his nap.

So, if you could look at my schedule and make any suggestions or just tell me that I am where I should be expected, that would be great.
Reading Tracy's book, I wasn't sure if I  need to cluster feed at 6 and 8 which would mean waking him from his naps.  Please let me know what you think.

Thank you,

Offline HeatherC

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 15:08:24 pm »
Kim, I answered in the other post about the day/night issue so I hope that helps.
Do you feel that he is taking full feeds during the day?   The only other reason I could think of for him waking so often in the night is that he's just got the day/night issue.  Does he take a full feed in the night hours, or do you think he's looking for comfort?  Have you tried using white noise in his sleeping area at night?  He might be unsettled if he is used to hearing noises during the day, but at night the house is quiet.
Otherwise, your routine looks great.  It's what to expect at his age.  As for the df and night wakings, he may stop waking on his own as he grows developmentally.  My dd would never take the df asleep, so I would wake her completely for it.  I wanted her to have it to prevent night wakings, so I choose to wake her for a feed.
Let me know how things progress.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline frankiesmom

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2006, 18:23:20 pm »
Heather, thank you so much for replying.  For some reason I thought this would be easier this time ???
So, to answer you questions:

I think he takes a full feed during the day.  Sometimes it is a challenge to keep him up , but I usually can get him to eat between 25 and 40 minutes.

He does have white noise during the day and at night.

At night, I am not so sure if he is taking a full feed, but I think part of the problem is that he is waking too soon for a feed, and then if I try not to feed him, but just pat/sh him,he is hysterical and I can 't calm him down. So, then I end up feeding him and he will eat for about 10 to 15 minutes and then go back to sleep.  For example, last night, my dh was successful at giving him a df at 10, but he only ate 2 ounces.  He then woke at 11:30, so I gave him the rest of the bottle, then he woke again at 2, so I bf him, then he was up and restless until 5!  At 5 tried to bf him again, but he wouldn't take it and eventually fell asleep.  I just feel like he is waking before he needs a feed, then not taking a full feed, then a vicious cycle ensues where he is hungry before his next feed.  I just can't figure out why he is waking.
Hope that makes sense!  I feel like I am babbling, lack of sleep, I guess.

Thanks again.  Any thing else you can figure out would be great.


Offline HeatherC

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2006, 20:13:13 pm »
Do you think he could have gas?  My dd was very unsettled during the night off and on the first 4 months due to gas.  I used Mylicon gas relief drops at each feeding and they really helped.  Otherwise, I think his waking is typical at his age, and as his body matures he should be able to stay asleep better.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline frankiesmom

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2006, 21:04:23 pm »
Could be.  First ds had reflux so of course, that is always in the back of my head.....................
One more question and I will stop bugging you.  What do you think of cat naps in the sling?  It just seems like so much work to do the whole swaddle and pat /sh thing for a 45 minute nap. Especially with all the chaos occurring at that time with my 21 month old, dinner, etc.  Am I risking messing up the rest of his naps or his independent sleeping?

Offline HeatherC

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2006, 22:42:43 pm »
Kim, you're not bugging me so please don't think that.  In fact, I may be bending your ear as my lo's will be 23 months apart and I'm very nervous about coping.
Anyway, I feel that as long as the majority of the sleeps are done independently, then a catnap in the sling wouldn't hurt.  Besides, it's the first nap to go.  It may be hard on you to do that every day, and as he matures you'll find him able to settle more quickly and putting him down for a nap won't seem like such a chore.  I never dreamed it would happen, but I love having the freedom to put dd in the crib and walk out if I need to (no time for sitting in rocking chair for snuggles like we usually do).  He'll get there, too, and you won't feel so tied down.
Keep me posted as often as you can.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline frankiesmom

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Re: Can someone please look at my schedule and give me pointers?
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2006, 00:22:12 am »
Thanks again and congrats!! I hope I can help someone with my experiences.  I know how great everyone here has been to me. 
I am trying not to stress so much and remember that he is a newborn.  Hopefully we will have a good night tonight.  We will see soon! 
Tonight I tried cluster feeding him at 5 and 7,but he really didn't eat much .  He just seemed so sleepy. dh is going to try the dream feed again.  I hope it goes better tonight.
