Author Topic: please tell how you BF and start solids/ Advice Needed  (Read 1076 times)

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please tell how you BF and start solids/ Advice Needed
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:49:35 am »
My lo is almost 6 months and is ready for solids.

how do you start solids and what type of schedule do you do? Also how much did you start with and what would you say is the best brand you have tried? How do you start to wean/we EBF.( What meals do you replace with food and not milk, I want to BF till a year.
Any advice welcome
smile today you woke up and you have a beautiful lo

Offline duplo

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Re: please tell how you BF and start solids/ Advice Needed
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 11:40:33 am »
We have just started a week ago - my DD is 6 months and we've just started mix feeding too.  We've started off giving solids about an hour after the 11am feed, so about 12/12:15pm.  Her schedule is

7:30am BF
11am Bottle
12pm Lunch
3pm Bottle
6:30pm BF
10pm BF DF

I think the idea is not to replace any milk feeds yet, just add to them.  We'll start breakfast or tea next (not sure which - will see when she seems hungriest) but not for another week maybe.  Lunch is either fruit or veg puree with some babyrice and some finger food eg rice cake, rusk or a banana slice.

Offline Marisa's Mom

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Re: please tell how you BF and start solids/ Advice Needed
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 16:37:54 pm »
When I first started solids, it was not a daily thing. We would offer some watery baby cereal (Gerber rice cereal, Gerber oatmeal cereal). She would refuse it or show she wasn't interested. So we didn't push it. Then we'd wait a week or two before trying again. Still not interested. Ok, wait another week or two before trying again. We were in no big rush knowing that she'll let us know what she wants and when she wants it.

We eventually reached a point where it was obvious she was interested in solids, so we offered it to her daily. Once a day, usually near the end of the day between the last two breastfeeds before she went to bed. She breastfed about every 3 hours like clockwork, so we'd offer her solids about 1 1/2 hours before the last breastfeed before bedtime.  The idea was to try solids about halfway between breastfeeding, a time when she was neither completelly full nor totally starving. She'd get really cranky if we tried the solids experiment while she's hungry for food. And she wouldn't be interested in trying solids if she was allready full. We gradually (over weeks, not days) increased the "thickness" of her baby cereal.

Once we got comfortable with solids in the evening, we added another solids feeding during the day. So breastfeeding sessions were the same, just inserted solids midday and evening.

The whole idea in the beginning was for her to get acclimated to receiving food off a spoon, and to get used to new textures in her mouth. So her main nourishment was still breastmilk. Solids were just a supplement. We continued to breastfeed until she decided she wanted to self-wean.
